
That’s pure, deranged poetry right there. Which almost redeems the fact that this article is basically about Marilyn Manson’s penis.

As a guy who is unsure whether or not I would look good in a maxi dress, this article also left me hurt and confused. How else am I supposed to wear something that flatters my unusually large shoulders? Not all of us are built like Scott Weiland.

There’s this quote from Nabokov (Lolita, maybe?) to the effect of “All men want a beautiful woman, and the uglier the man, the stronger the want.” I think for guys who’ve been consistently told we’re attractive, it sidesteps a lot of potential insecurities and we feel more comfortable to date whomever we personally

I was about to type this, but you beat me to it. And to your question - yes, very much yes. It’s one of the most unifying childhood pathologies of men who commit serial murder (particularly with a sexual component). I wish I had some ironic/snarky remark that could tie this back to Huckabee and how much of a tool he

Now playing

Apparently. He opened the first of his franchise stores there, and he’s become kind of a cultural fixture despite not being from the area. He also wrote an album called - I kid you not - “Floridays”. In the words of Eric Cartman:

Not to make light of a tragedy here, but does anyone have a theory for why Florida seems to produce a surplus of behavior like this? Is it the mind-warping humidity, the moronic political culture, the discomforting acceptability of Jimmy Buffett fandom? I honestly want a study commissioned on why this keeps happening.

So anti-semitism must be (rightfully) called out wherever it arises and relentlessly beaten back, but anti-black bigotry is something that must be met with smarmy condescension and excused away, with these pseudo-moral misdirections about a lack of “responsibility”? A snapped spine is not some failure in personal

This is kind of off-topic (or maybe not), but one the most interesting things to watch as the show has gone on has been the prettying up of characters who are described as less so in the books. I kind of drew up an informal list, so feel free to add any:

Also - this sums up a lot of my LoL experience in a nutshell:

I mean it can be pretty fun, but League of Legends has easily - EASILY - the worst player culture of any game I’ve ever played. By far. I’d been playing games online off-and-on for nearly 15 years before my brief foray into LoL, and it was nothing like I’d ever seen before. I was almost impressed at how staggeringly

I’ve heard similar stories from women friends of mine, and it still stuns me how the experience of first being “noticed” by guys is near-universally wrapped up in discomfort and shame, even fear. The only parallel thing I experienced as a guy was when I was 15-16 and I’d swim at the local pool and get openly whistled

I used to smoke regularly. I quit after undergrad, but I still support legalization (especially in light of how miserable prohibition has been). Something that did cross my mind the other day is that if alcohol had only been 'discovered' recently - as opposed to an integral part of all agricultural societies since the

I beg your pardon, in that case. Irish-American immigrant culture is steeped in tropes about working-class/lower-middle class alcoholism and family events turning into brawls. Looks like jcpwn3r beat me to the punch there. (Pardon the phrase.)

You'd understand if you were Irish. Trust me.

Am I the only one who thinks Ted Cruz looks like he's constantly on the verge of tears? It's really weird and kind of unsettling sometimes.

I think that says a lot about the state of affairs, really - our entire higher education system does a dismal job of treating survivors with respect and decency. You'd be hard pressed to find a school that doesn't have blood on its hands. By all accounts the problem is endemic, whether you're dealing with a state

It's like a modern spin on the whole "Only the jester can insult the king" mainstay. Except these jackasses aren't kings, they're elected by us [and by that I mean strategically appointed by their donors].

They have these Marc Lamont Hill vs. Ben Ferguson showdowns on CNN on a nearly weekly basis, and I'm struck by three things:

Chances are I'm going to get flak for this, but one of the main reasons there isn't more outrage in the U.S. about India's epidemic of misogynist violence is probably because it's not occurring in a Muslim country. The Ayaan Hirsi Ali squad loves to point out misogyny in the Muslim world (and then promptly say it's

My mother was like you. A self-righteous but unhinged woman. She believed that if your kid did something out of line, you could grab/shake/slap your kid to display dominance and authority. She was always, depending on her constantly volatile mood, convinced that something I did was "wrong". The answer, therefore, was