Or a mirror. A-HOH. (If black people can call each other the N word, I can make those jokes.)
Or a mirror. A-HOH. (If black people can call each other the N word, I can make those jokes.)
Yeah, cast Idris Elba then have him killed off in the second two parter.
DODODO Though Her Mind Is Not For Rent, For God Or Government, The Casting's Caused Discontent, She Didn't Appear After Heaven Sent… THE. DOC. TOR. What you say about society? Is what she thinks about reality? Catch the spirit, catch the west, she only cares, about the rest. The River, The River, She's still her wife.
Yeah but that was because she was Steven Moffat. (Also how weird is it that it isn't the one with a Rule 63 Fetish who decided to Rule 63 The Doctor?)
She's The Doctor's Grand Kid. I'm pretty sure she was made to be The Doctor's Grand Kid to explain why an old guy was keeping a young child back at his place.
Yeah, haven't you ever seen Futurama?
She's the dead kid's mom off Broadchurch. Also they should've cast Susan as The Doctor or Ace.
Christ a fucking Port Vale fan on Doctor Who, I fucking hope not, mate, that'd be literal testicular cancer.
I mean like with Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, we know that Female Doctors are born in 2017 whereas Mary Poppins From Outer Space dies in 2017.
Because the son's his Grand dad. Next.
No you fool it's because he was in the Bahamas and some dude was like "Yo, wanna try some Puffer Fish" so he tried the Puffer Fish then he came back to England and he tried some Puffer Fish in England then he realised that Bahamian Puffer Fish was actually his wife so he committed suicide.
It was my birthday on Tuesday, g'day fellow Julius Caesar fan.
Wait wasn't Catherine Tate technically The Doctor? When she played The Doctor!Donna? Like wasn't that why she left? Because she became The Doctor then she had to stop being The Doctor because otherwise she'd die?
Mayo or get out.
They also tie together why The New First Doctor's in a ship with dinosaurs and Jez and Mark as robots. Let's just say that Super Hans gets upset about what they do to the twins. Then Super Hans and the 14th Doctor have a weird interlude when they're in a tent making Weed Brownies. Man it's essentially Caligula.
Have any of y'all ever seen A Dose Of Buckley? Because the latest one's about how much of a pissant this sumbitch is. Apparently him and Kings of Leon caused MTV to retract any negative coverage, essentially blackmailing them by saying if they didn't then they'd never do anything MTV related. So fuck Chance The…
OK yeah not some "Marvel Director Dude", he's Mary Shelley, I know.
At least your cat's stupid. My brother's got a suicidal kitten. Like he's only a few months old (the cat not my brother) and all it's doing is jumping off bedroom windows. I don't know why a cat's depressed but…
Yeah she's the 14th Doctor and Super Hans is gonna be her Companion. (Not the Actor, legit the character from Peep Show.) Episode 3's gonna just be Super Hans getting The Daleks hooked on Acid and the last 20 minutes is just the first 3 seconds of 'Virtual Insanity' played on a loop.