How else would you explain Experiment IV?
How else would you explain Experiment IV?
Did that sweet old lady ever find the beef she was enquiring about in those old commercials?
Nah fam, you don't understand bro, when you see a cute puppy on the street and you go to pet it and the puppy's owner says no because the puppy's scared of other people and needs time to be acclimatized to other people, it's not because it's scared, it's because SOMETHING SOMETHING DONALD TRUMP SOMETHING SOMETHING…
That's not my point. Stop stating the bleeding obvious mate. Ok when I said racist I meant xenophobic, sue me fam. It's just xenophobic seems a wee bit too harsh to describe it, y'know. I didn't want to overreact. My point is that I want Americans to acknowledge that there's different places in England, thassall mate.…
When King Kong Bundy lost at WM2 where people going obviously he's gonna lose in his hometown like OP here alluded to. I just want WWE fans to recognise that a Mancunian losing in England isn't that obvious. Now if Danny Burch lost yeah he's a Londoner so you can say it. But someone not from the home town jobbing…
Yeah but Manchester and Blackpool are real places bub. Don't patronise me pal I understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction.
Really like I've lived in England for 22 going on 23 and all this time I thought England was a suburb on the coast of Zanzibar but thanks for enlightening me that the country I'm born in is in fact a country.
Why would it be obvious that a Mancunian would lose in London? Unless perchance you believe that all British people come from London? Which y'know is a pretty darn racist thing to say. What if I said all Americans were from Washington DC? And no other places in America mattered? Was it obvious when Charlotte and Naomi…
No that's The Doctor.
Oh OK thanks for clarifying. Poor souls.
It depends, like I go to Keele Uni and it's a Uni with it's own shops and it's own like truck stop like 5 minutes away and it's own club and it's all, like dude it's got a large spacious manor and some woods, it'll make a perfect place to shoot a Giallo (That's… Actually a compliment.) But some Unis are encompassed…
I know right, like I can't really get into this remake of Murder On The Orient Express because Poirot isn't playing Poirot, some marvel director dude is, like dude you're not Poirot. Executive Decision Baddie is, bro.
It's Sherlock's sister god damnit. Sherlock bought her a Piano now she's playing that AND the Violin and now Nardole can't get ANY sleep, poor fella.
Whilst watching the episode with my parents, my mom brought up a good point, why did Eliza only bring back these batch of victims and not all the victims? Like it's real inconsiderate thinking Yam Yam, Scot, Girl, Friend & Russian were more important then all the other innocent peeps who entered that house just to…
sshhh… don't tell him that, he's American, his President will deport them to like Florida or whatever country they're from.
Look around you man, look around you and you'll find 50 fucking articles on SPAM and Pretzels and Shit you are on AV Club man. Or you would be if the AV Club existed at all man. It doesn't exist, man, it's just Supper Club now man. It's. Just. Supper. Club.
His mom might have died but what was worse was how he made me feel listening to his new album, ME, some dude on the internet who went running once to hide away the horrors of dishwashing after high school, ME, some music reviewer on AV Club, ME, some dude who hates all those emo bands, Paramore, Jimmy Eat World,…
Sincerely thank you for this. As someone who's never traveled to California or Mexico, I'm grateful for this knowledge.
So the vault contains John Simm's The Master, right? Hence the knocking.
*Blubbers In Shock*