Yeah but who would Go Over in a Piper/Warrior Match, huh?
Yeah but who would Go Over in a Piper/Warrior Match, huh?
Surprisingly WCW didn't sign him, give him $2 million a week and only have him team up with, like, Buff Bagwell to face Glacier & Dick Van Dyke on a PPV. (That's a legit surprisingly not a sarcastic surprisingly.)
So you got this fella, you got George "The Animal" Steele, you got Nicole Bass, you got Ivan Koloff. Was Death, like, behind on his monthly deaths so he had to just nick in 4 at once or what?
You're stating that Jim Neidhart wins the fight but you're stating it like a question and I don't know why?
I prefered the alternate ending when Keanu Reeves goes full John Wick at the end and gets his revenge. But I didn't like the theatrical cut because it was just morally bankrupt. Like it's a film where a couple of girls rape, torture and ruin a man's life for shits and giggles and gets away with it. Like I understand…
What would be cool would be if you do these discussion style bullet points schtick for uninteresting episodes but go full review for PPVS, specials and interesting episodes of WWE. Because at this moment in time… not that many people dig the fact that they're bisecting the Reviews so… we could get… more articles… on,…
I keep on forgetting how everyone wanted The Styles Clash to be banned until 2015 Royal Rumble Winner & 4th Longest Entrant In A Royal Rumble After Scotty 2 Hotty, Spike Dudley & Bastion Booger Curtis Axel showed people how to take a bump. Bro, Curtis Axel's so dope.
Also Samoa Joe isn't really good at Wrestling considering he crippled Tyson Kidd and he injured Seth Rollins in his first 2 WWE Matches. Maybe if he didn't go injuring people all willy-nilly he'd be good at it.
I was so hyped for Ascension to win the Tag Team Championships. Hold it for 2 days, drop it back to American Alpha on the next SD but no AA had to bloomin' win. Which makes no sense. (It would've been if in the EC, Dean Ambrose after being beaten black and blue by Baron Corbin popped back up and pinned everyone with…
Bro, I love rapping along to Adoration of The Magi. Mainly because it doesn't contain the N word so I can rap along to it without censoring myself. I also dig like Madonna, that's a good song. You're right, Fiasco is a dope artist.
Well I rate AV Club 7.8/10. Too Much Reviews.
Go back where?
As much as I dig a website who thinks that whenever a white person shows up in a film set in Asia, it's instantly white washing, I've gotta agree with ya. How is this White Genocide? How is a satirical film looking at all races and creeds Genocidal towards White People? Y'all Americans need to learn to calm the heck…
You calling me racist, buddy? You calling everyone who gets abused racist, buddy? Because, um, referring to people you don't agree with as racists and homophobes and Nazis and stuff is how y'all came into this predicament (I wanted Trump to win but I had no say cause I'm not eligible to vote.) where like a whole lotta…
So a bunch of Liberals are gonna burn down Paddy's Pub and call Mac a Nazi?
Well I dig this, it's like The 90s, only it's not cause it's the 00s, only it's not cause it's the 90s. It's like Post-Modernism brah, it's like you expect one thing and like another thing happens but its not another thing its this other thing, it's like it's like imagine a million Vince Russos all attempting to…
Yeah they do… Like truthfully I would kinda dig it if they get repackaged as Bray's Minions. Because at the moment it's just Bray & Randy and that's not much of a family dude.
Should've marked this an A+. Any Wrestling Event which ends in The Ascension pinning someone for the victory deserves all the A+. Most Shocking Event of the past year, that is, a team consisting of The Ascension and The Vaudevillains actually winning a match, I was so happy, so very happy when The Ascension actually…
Who cares what John Oliver thinks? He's nothing. He's slime. He's pathetic. He suckles up to the nearest teat and he sucks that teat dry. Damn him to a pit of a million hells when all he witnesses is Donald Trump (Sorry Drumpf because he's an Immigrant and all Immigrants are evil according to this Bogus Brummie)…
I wouldn't call Mankind weak, did you see his Hell In A Cell match against The Undertaker? (A real Hell In A Cell match and not an Elimination Chamber match as Mauro Ranallho thinks a Hell In A Cell match is.)