Yeah I thought it was going to turn out to be Eva Marie mainly because who else? (Carmella's with James, Naomi's a face, Natalya and Nikki are feuding and Bliss and Lynch were wrestling.)
Yeah I thought it was going to turn out to be Eva Marie mainly because who else? (Carmella's with James, Naomi's a face, Natalya and Nikki are feuding and Bliss and Lynch were wrestling.)
As I said before, due to Ascencion being the new winners of the Number One Contendership for the Tag Team Titles after the old ones got injured, now's the time to book them in a Tag Team Match at RR. Give them 15 minutes of demolishing Gable, have Gable make the hot tag, have Jordan go full Lesnar and just suplex the…
Oooooh… Isn't that supposed to be bad because AV Club said Cancel Christmas, this exists? (Or is it supposed to be good like pfftt…. there's no need for celebrating Christmas when you have the Gift Of Jewels?)
Yo, who's looking forward to Ascencion v American Alpha at next year's Royal Rumble? (Still 2016, bub.) Also for all you peeps who are upset that people are dead. Like just feel blessed that y'all get to live through a Donald Trump Presidency and they don't. So Silver Lining to all this whigwash pet.
What is RTJ3? (Rachel's Training Job 3? Ravage The Junction Three? Rabbi Theo Jumps Jacob's Junction?)
A Supergroup? Starring Me? Bro, it'll be the Baby Geniuses 3 of Supergroups.
The heck you got against Dutch Footballing Giants Go Ahead Eagles, brah?
Bro doesn't need our surveillance, if he can survive TNA, he can survive anything. (Cue New York Times reporting that Billy Corgan died in a freak Pizza Van/ Dachsund Crash.)
Yo at 8:00 in, it's my favourite Leslie Jones Standup routine, yet.
Shoot, yeah… I understand where I'm going wrong, I'm mistaking nicest for best. Like Sausage Party is a good movie but it's not a nice movie.
God I'm picturing like Shawn Michaels when he had to be persuaded by HHH to return to wrestling with like a Satanic Billy Mays. Just The Acension are trying to work as garbagemen and it turns out their boss is Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, then goes to work as a plumber and their boss is TL Hopper and then the next week…
As others have noted, ya should have included the Best Film Of 2016 Kubo & The Two Strings in either of these two articles. Kubo's probably the nicest flick I've ever seen.
Bro, bro, why the heck are The Ascension and Breezango not part of that fatal 4 way considering they were 2 of the last 3 teams in the battle royale? Like you've got a team which wasn't part of the battle royal 2 singles wrestlers who haven't been a tag team since like a fortnight ago ('Member when Rhyno split up with…
Yeah cause they turned Wes into a killer just to kill him off and they brought back Chad just to kill him off. Like Zayday, Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) and Dr. John Stamos are the only 3 likable characters left.
Man Scream Queens has pissed me off cause they didn't kill Annoying FBI Agent but they did kill Chad and Wes. Like l don't get why they couldn't kill off Chick From Summer School or like Hester or like one of the 3 Chanels? Why on Earth would you bring back characters just to kill them off? God Damn.
No bro. This comment is worse then my initial comment cause my comment actually said something, yours is the equivalent of childish language, bro. But then again you're a brah not a bro… so of course you don't understand language, bro. Why is my comment worse then "eheh know you are but what am I?" Butthead. Learn to…
Because… Spoilers. More then 0.5% of the population have seen those movies. Unlike the majority of these movies which quite frankly I've never heard of.
Bro, this list is literally the worst list. I took a look at your ballots and Katie's the only intelligent one there. Not too intelligent mind considering she put the best film of the year as number 15 and not number 1. But still far more intelligent then any of you poindexters. (Look, if you make a list ranking the…
In all honesty, if you have a Brummie as your leader, you're dead before you even begin. Like you'll only ever succeed with a Brummie in charge if it's a Bovril-making contest, that's why Hitler was allowed to exist, brah. With a Brummie in charge, Hitler existed with a Brummie not in charge, Hitler died.
So West has turned face with his Pro-Trump message? (Brother I'm a fan of WWE, if WWE and a WWE Hall Of Famer can run the White House, that's all Peaches brother, all Peaches.)