RoadHead -- Armand

ford gt stereo is useless? I've never heard it but I all thought they came with a hugh quality McIntosh unit. I remember that when it came out because the comparable ferrari didn't even have a radio

White women are more attractive. Attractive models are good for business.

I never understood how the public viewed filmstrips such as this. At a movie theater? At a dealership? They're are obviously aimed at the consumer but I can't see how anyone outside of the production actually saw it

The PPsH bomber. What do you do when mechanized German infantry is sweeping across your borders yet you maintain a nearly unlimited industrial capacity. You build a plane with 88 fucking submachine guns mounted in the bomb bay. It's classic Soviet more-is-better engineering but I doubt it's combat effectiveness. Why

A morning star is pretty god damn sinister if you ask me. The barbaric head was effective, but unlike a sword it was not meant to induce a quick death. A morning star was meant to crush your opponents with absolute physical brutality. And unlike its chain-linked cousin the flail, a morning star has no disconnect

The MG42 is pretty damn terrifying. The pictures don't do it justice, as the real fear of this weapon came from its horrid shriek. The fastest firing automatic weapon of the war, the report of the MG was a furious buzz, earning it the nickname Hitler's buzzsaw. And the weapon isn't styled in any particular direction.

I always thought the Katyusha platform was pretty terrifying, if only for the dual personality of the thing. It was built on a civilian truck platform, and trucks are friendly things right? Except with the Katyusha, where the windows are replaced by heavy armor plates with narrow slits. The outward appearance is of

that there photoshop up top is one of your finest yet jason

damn that actually looks really really good

you say I'm callous like its a bad thing. I was a mercenary. I've seen the depths of human cruelty. I have killed several people in combat, including a woman. I was in the CEntral african republic, fighting a fucked war that was hell on earth. There are acts which warrant execution. My squad rolled into a village

Idk I could go for a bang right about now

and don't stab a government official in the neck in an authoritarian state with a reputation for executions unless you are ready to deal with the consequences. Seems fair

have you heard of proportional force? A penis is not a knife, last I checked.

I don't think attempted rape is terrible enough to be killed over. This woman earned her fate.

there was a bad ass FRS there, it will appear in a video I'll upload soonish

How the hell is it that half of all machinery built in the UK is subject to electrical failure? Seriously? Does it have to do with the rain?

gaaaahhh!!!! All this consolidation and favoritism that we have witnessed over the past 20 years is really ruining the creativity of the aerospace industry. Lockheed Martin and Boeing, it's always either tweedledee or tweedlefuckingdum. That's all we're left with. Consolidated, Convair, Martin Marieta, McDonnel,

I can understand why Sierra Nevada seems miffed, but I can't help but feel that NASA should have chosen the strongest of the three instead of developing two independent systems to achieve the same end, albeit with different cargo capacities. If two companies had been rejected, I doubt there would be a sore loser. That

why no love for the old one? Before the title, the short black and white clip before the chariot clip is from the movie Thunder Road. It's a positively badass flick from the 50s about a neck and neck chase between a bootlegger and a federal agent in the windy roads of Appalachia. Check it out! It's awesome to see

that's actually semi-legal here in california. With new cars, you are allowed 90 days without registering, but it's solely enforced via the honor system