
“If my dog doesn’t like you, I don’t like you” isn’t logically equivalent to “If my dog likes you, I like you.”

Animals always know better than people. If my dogs don’t like you, I don’t like you.

Aw, I love Bernie, and birds, and living in Portland! No shame here. Just glad our birds showed Bernie how much we support him.

Personally I’m hoping for a Cinderella story where Bernie’s campaign is concerned.

If Bernie doesn’t get nominated, I guess I’m staying home. No way am I choosing between Hillary and Donald. Sorry America, and sorry to Virginia, where I live

I was there! We did lose our shit because it was so freaking adorable. The waiting for hours was a bummer, but overall, I enjoyed it and I’m glad I went.

using the paris bombings as an example, most of the perpetrators had eu passports. they weren’t immigrants or refugees. there is nothing to stop guys like that from getting on a plane and going almost anywhere. they don’t need visas.

That is funny because a large number of Bernie supporters have said that they will never vote for Hillary. She is the exact representation of all that is wrong with politics. She is an unprincipled liar who has been proven repeatedly throughout history to say one thing to people for their support while purposefully

Sanders has gotten enough delegates that he isn’t out yet. He’s the definite underdog, but is not a zombie candidate like Kasich.

Sanders still actually has quite a good shot at winning. Hillary raised $30 million in February while Sanders raised $43.5 million. Also Hillary Clinton is probably the most hated politician of the past quarter century, although I will say that she is the best Republican Candidate running for President.

This is ridiculous. I don’t like Warren because she’s selfless or fits some sort of “good woman” trope. I like Warren over Hillary because Warren comes across as honest, sincere, and promotes actual progressive policies. I'll support any man or woman that fits that bill (which is why I voted Sanders in my state's

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it twice: Sanders/Warren 2016.

No doubt that Warren’s statements will elicit even louder “sighs” of regret from the Democratic electorate who wish that she was running.

The Berniebros are a very specific subset of Bernie Sanders supporters: they are the rabid-fan guys who say they’ll vote Trump if Clinton gets the nomination.

Calling Cruz and his supporters civilized is the most laughable thing I’ve read all election season. All 48,00000000000000 months of it.

You seem really upset about the “shutting down of roads”, aka, peaceful protesting. It wasn’t even on a weekday, ffs. Get over it. Also, I don’t believe for 2 seconds that you are actually a Democrat, a liberal, or work on the Clinton campaign.

Who says it was liberals? If, indeed, there were really death threats at all, which I am not taking as a given. But if there were, Trump isn’t exactly the dream candidate of any actual conservative either.