
I like Sanders, but this interview is pretty bad. He has always appeared the least terrible option to me and will remain so. Obviously Clinton mouthpieces like the Washington Post will excoriate him over it and no doubt this comment section aka Clintonland will whilst pretending only Sanders supporters shovel

In NYC? Because that’s amazing.

Skyr is so good. Iceland has some gross foods, but skyr is not one of them.

His record is pretty bad though.

A lot of the lyrics don’t make sense without a POC cast.

Let me put it this way - has there ever been a all-white cast and your first thought wasn’t *racial discrimination* but *awesome cast of white actors who just turned out to be the best talent available*? Yeah, didn’t think so.

You’re not doing yourself a favor by trying to rationalize your racial prejudice. You lost me at the insinuation, that there is a simple way of singing (for whites) as in Rent and a reeeaaaallly difficult, skillfull way of singing (for awesome POC only). Do you have the slightest idea how much singing, dancing and

Hamilton is like ALL African American and Latino actors. It’s not that they JUST want a diverse cast. The whole premise of the show is that it’s all POC.

On top of being a total asshole concerning Anita Hill, Joe Biden, former senator from MBNA, also authored that Crime Bill people are rightfully pretty upset about right now. And unlike others involved still stands by it. He backed the bankruptcy bill that makes it near impossible to discharge your student loans. Each

Yeah, I always forget how awful Joe Biden was during this whole situation. It’s interesting that he never really seems to get dragged for it the way everybody else involved did. I don’t remember it coming up when Obama nominated him for VP.

I was in college when that shitshow went on. Anita Hill would have been unnecessary if the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had had the guts to say “this is an unqualified, inexperienced, gives-no-answers-because-he’s-a-stealth-reactionary piece of crap, so no thanks” instead of trying to conduct a very untimely

I’m way too old, and have spent far too many years working for minimum wage, to be a Bro.

Dude/maam, without even glancing at those links:

They might address similar points, but they have vastly different solutions. Sanders is a reasonable if very idealistic person. Trump, on the other hand, is eager to start global trade wars, including with the world’s second largest economy in the world. Such trade wars would be blatantly illegal under international