
as much as I can agree that HP movies were sub-par at best, HP as a whole in our culture was monumental, and the films were still part of that. People will read the books over and over and most of them will picture these actors.

Obviously I agree they’re all incredible actors who had much more on their resume...but I

And who’s going to pay for that?

You mean caseloads? The realistic ability to manage cases in a way that would benefit children? Sure, but the culpability for that lies in society’s priorities in terms of what we want to fund and no one seems to remember the needs of kids in foster care until the shit hits the fan. When these things happen, we as a

omfg I saw the picture before I read the title and thought Maggie Smith had died and almost LOST MY MIND

“Who does your masks? Do they come in children’s sizes? Eee-heee! Chum on!”

That is now my second favorite photo of Liza and Michael. My first will always be...

I’m sure we’ll be looking at “Hamilton” like this in another 25 years.

“One day, that could be me...!”


after watching the Rashida Jones documentary about porn I completely agree with you and I’m a guy.

Yeah, I’ve held my tongue about this issue for the 10+ years I’ve been on this site but no more. As a second wave feminist, porn isn’t empowering, it isn’t cool and it sucks to me. Yes, it’s my personal opinion and many disagree with me. That’s fine. To those people, tell me how gang bang, choking and bukkake are

Hey Sony dummies, the 80s and David Bowie were all Labyrinth had going for it! I can’t wait to watch this remake flop...I hope they pour insane amounts of money into it, too.

It’s interesting to me that R Kelly thinks he broke the cycle of abuse because he didn’t replicate the abuse he suffered to a T. Because he doesn’t abuse 8 year old boys, he doesn’t consider himself an abuser. I imagine this is part of the compartmentalizing that victims/future abusers do to survive their abuse and

That part makes no sense though. On Friends they all banded together because that was an ensemble show and they should all be paid similarly. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was obviously about Will Smith more than any of the other characters, so his deal is certainly going to be for more than hers.

But they are. Practically all of their productions have diverse casts, directors, and writers.

The makers of Blackfish could have been less dishonest and corrected factually inaccurate statements. They chose not to because it wasn’t as thrilling. The makers also could have chosen not to shit all over a dead woman while claiming not to do so, but doing it anyway.

That’s really not going to happen. Everyone you grew up with is going to die, and you’re going to die (I assume this isn’t news to you). The reaction people in our culture have to the inevitability of death is what’s depressing.

Your neighbors can get their data from a time that occurred post-industrial revolution. Best wishes for a happy life with your partner.