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Why is this movie, you ask? I would bet real money that someone involved in the development of this film watched the Drunk History bit on this very event. And thought it was the best thing ever. But they done fucked up by casting someone other than Jack Black as Elvis. Here’s a puny excerpt:

all I care about is that the bag is black, and fringy. And big enough to put Mary Poppins inside it.

I feel like the only woman in the world that just does not give a shit about having a fancy expensive name brand purse. I’ve even tried to buy slightly higher end but if I’m paying more than $50 it just seems like such a waste of money. Nope give me my $30 Target purse any dsy.

Read the fucking article, idiot. You should have gotten a brand new Birkin. Way better investment than a BMW.

“Birkin bags have increased in value by an average of 14.2 percent each year and by more than 500 percent in the last 35 years”

No no, he was the Robbie Williams.

How can you say that? *sniffs*

I don't think that's what OP was saying at all.

As a transwoman, I can definitely attest to society being more of a danger to us. When I was 24, I had my knees shattered as well as a few ribs, because some guys who were hitting on me, realized my “deception” as they called it. Not only were 3 guys working me over with a bat, and kicks, but there had to have been at

Not trolling, but how did you come to the realization that your daughter needed/wanted to transition? I’m just curious how that information comes across, coming from someone who is that young.

My half-assed opinion on this is that the Catholic Church is as successful as it is partly because it has always allowed (but strictly controlled) avenues for people to express certain differences. Women who didn’t fit the mold could be nuns rather than getting married. Gay men could become priests. Conquered peoples

My daughter is transgender. She’ll be 4 (yes, four) on Wednesday. What has been fascinating to me so far is watching how unconditionally accepting children are of her transition (we made the pronoun and name change this fall) and how the only problems we’ve had are from adults.

Right? For such a misogynistic institution, a lot of the female heroes are exactly the opposite of what the Church says women are supposed to be like. Joan of Arc? Judith? Mary Magdalene?

It’s so interesting to read that many female saints entered religious life to avoid the constraints of domestic life given the Church’s role in keeping women out of public life.

Thank you for putting into words how I’ve been feeling about this. I am troubled by feminists here saying that HRC’s husband’s history of rape/sexual abuse allegations is irrelevant to her candidacy. Would we let a female Republican presidential candidate skate by like this if her husband had a similar history? I

Waiting for people to twist themselves into knots trying to explain away Bill’s predatory behavior. Even if you don’t think he raped Juanita Broderrick, his other behavior has been repulsive. There’s a reason why sexual harassment laws and anti-fraternization policies exist. You don’t want the boss trolling the intern

I actually agree that it’s a legitimate line of interrogation for a presidential candidate if their spouse has been accused of felonious crimes. I also think it’s especially relevant in this context, where it is a known fact that Bill Clinton abused his power to have sexual relations with someone far subordinate to

The phrase “eat a cheeseburger” is so incredibly obnoxious and body-shame-y. She’s naturally very thin, always has been, probably always will be. There are things that can rightfully said about her as far as her opinions and actions, but I don't understand why her body always has to be brought into it.

I’m an attorney, and regularly get prisoner mail. Honestly if you don’t have experience with it, I’m sure it is compelling. Most of the ones I receive are begging for help and sort of seem sympathetic, but ... convicts lie. I always google the person, and I’ll never, ever forget the letter from a man who raped a

I feel like Brendan Dassey is the one who needs the most help right now. While Avery’s conviction seems quite f*cked up, Brendan came off as the real tragedy when I watched the documentary.