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I think Lin Miranda was on the shortlist for Person of the Year. Which he absolutely deserved, but not for Hamilton, which was ok I guess, if you like transcendently beautiful pieces of art that make you question what you knew of joy before you saw it. No, he should be Person of the Year for this stupidly great

Hmm, he did seem very invested in telling us which Hogwarts house he would be in.

I am genuinely in awe of the entirety of Hamilton— it as a musical, as a statement, as a movement. It contains so much power and brilliance and I just cannot wrap my head around why he isn't acknowledged for it.

I mean that’s the fierce debate right?


What’s funny is that even with Trump, Putin, and the leader of Daesh on the list, the one people will get most outraged over if they win is Caitlyn Jenner.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is just absurdly talented. I sat behind Jennifer Lawrence at Hamilton and it was the best day of my life.

Hamlet or Hamilton or both? Dude’s talented

Team Mom. Always team Mom.

Meh. My mother isn’t a great cook. Some of my friends’ mothers weren’t so great at cleaning. And I say mothers because I know very few fathers who did anything but plant themselves in front of the television after work, even if their wives were also employed. And physics knows plenty of Baby Boomers weren’t awesome

I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

“Can anyone really be president, daddy?”

Oh, but there were! In the “typical subdivision” where he grew Dubai, that’s all there was. Just sushi trains and ramen stands everywhere.

I’m somewhat surprised at the amount of people who feel it’s excessive. My friends and I all communicate with our parents frequently. Once a day calls don’t seem odd at all.

“My mother and I don’t talk to each other very often, Like at all. I have a tendency not to respond to her texts. Or respond to 2 and cease communication. All she asks for me is to talk to her like once a week. . . . If she wants to talk to me, why doesn’t she just call?”

I don't know, a text everyday and a phone call A WEEK is not too much to ask.

Yes, but that doesn’t sound like what this is, and I feel that every family has some degree of that. My father and I have some trust and manipulation issues, but those are not the problems at hand here.

Different people just have different relationships. Unless one of us has a very busy day I talk to my mom at least once a day and see her most days as well. We live about 1/2 mile from each other so not only does she help with the kids and do things with them a lot we’ll frequently run errands for or with each other

Absolutely it is not crazy to think check-ins are expected. In fact, they are important in that first year of college. I would set up a day and time once a week or so that he agrees to. That way, you can settle into a routine that works for you both.

I don’t know the situation but I think you are reading a lot into this. It sounds like a frustrated mom dealing with a major transition period in the relationship. The rest is just projection. Eta: and to add, young people also have to learn to have a relationship as an adult with their parents. It’s usually a mutual