
Actually no not really. An 8 second google search will show that you are wrong.

Hmmm. Y’know, I think if anyone’s having a ‘rough fucking week’, it’s the people who died, and those close to them.

It would work out just fine. The ATF would fucking ruin you.

From your cold dead hands, right? If firearm regulations don’t work, why aren’t fully automatic weapons as proliferate as semi-automatics? Is it because gun nuts just don’t want them?

Mass shootings just this year. Just. This. Year. Interactive map at the link. I don’t know, maybe it’s time to do something about the proliferation of military hardware in this country?

I think it’s less that she wants women to never drink or leave their homes as that she wants to make sure men can rape with impunity. She has made clear again and again that she strongly dislikes women, particularly women who are victims of sexual assault, and she considers it a travesty that it’s even possible

They’ve got the power to vote racist politicians into the parliament though.

I feel like a lot of women are doing this already, but bystander guys need to step up more instead of adhering to ‘guy code.’ I hear way too may stories where women are the ones who end up stopping attenpted rapes of other women, and not nearly as many stories of guys stepping in to help.

Emily Yoffe as in “Dear Prudence”? That woman should not be allowed to write. Her advice is based only how many puns she can stick into her lame answer. Sometimes her advice is actually dangerous.

This thread makes me angry. Hillary had the same qualifications of any starting male senator and there is no reason to believe that had she been the first one in the family to run for senator or governor that she wouldn’t have succeeded (other than the assumption that being a woman makes her less electable on her

Oh, come on, we don’t “all know” why Hillary stayed with Bill. Do you have some inside knowledge of her thought processes that the rest of us don’t? Are you her BFF, in whom she confides her most personal thoughts?

The current president went from Lawyer to State Legislator to Senator within the span of 7 years. I’m saying that Hillary could have largely done the same thing in the 8 years she was First Lady.

I really dislike this line of thought because every single powerful person is powerful partially because of the people they know and surround themselves with. Her husband included. So yes, maybe her husband being president is helping her career, like Harvard Alums all help each other and such. It doesn’t dis-value her

I’m still not sure I agree. I think that if she weren’t confined for 8 years of her professional prime to a relatively ceremonial role someone with her connections and ambitions would almost certainly have a more impressive resume, not less. She might not have the high profile maybe but again, I think her profile is

This. How are these women, or Monica Lewinksy, Hillary’s responsibility? Where are the hecklers shouting these questions at Bill Clinton during one of his many very well paid speaking appearances?

I mean, you could say that but I don’t know if it’s necessarily the case. She’s got a pretty strong resume based on what she’s done herself the last 15 years. Being Secretary of State, a Senator and the runner-up the last go-around would still probably make her the front-runner considering who else is in the field.

Woman Taking The Heat For A Man’s Actions, Episode 36363472

That being said though (Thanks Jon!), replying with “they deserve to be believed at first until they’re disbelieved based on evidence” is a pretty good spur of the moment reply. She could have refused to answer or said something stupid about it not being relevant or something.

Again, if you watch any of this guy’s work, it is basically the most demeaning shit ever.

I remember when Stoya’s accusation came out I was telling trolls and MRAs that more would be coming for this guy. Not disappointed that I was right.