
I’m so afraid for anyone who dresses in such a way that they may be identified as Muslim.

Plus ISIS would be claiming this if it was one of their recruits.

My personal theory right now is that this is workplace violence where the shooter tried to justify his actions by turning to extremist propaganda. As in, he would have shot up the place even if he wasn’t a Muslim, he was just that special kind of asshole with access to guns.

yeah, you’re a gross rape apologist and i wont’ be replying to you like you are an actual rational human in future. thanks for the heads up! :)

Tell us more about this open consent by just being there. Tell us more about this open consent to a woman’s body because she is just there in the same room with these other men. Please. Do share. Did the open consent fairy say so? So a women with a contract comes into the KINK.COM offices, films a scene, takes a

Do you really think that is firing the guy with NO evidence? Give me a break. They know what he’s been up to, and have hoped no one else would find out.

“there is open consent just by being there”

Eh, that might vary by demographic but she’s the currently working female pornography performer who the most people my age have heard of. Jenna Jameson and Sasha Grey would be better known, but they’re former pornogprahy performers.

An employer severing connections with someone who has numerous rape allegations is not a conviction.

Jesus fucking Christ. Somehow it’s almost worse that this didn’t take place while they will filming—I assumed from your quote that this was part of a scene, and the other people on set didn’t intervene because they didn’t want to stop the take or whatever (not that would be remotely okay either, to be clear). But no,

They weren’t filming. She didn’t have a contract agreeing to do that. She clearly said fucking no. That’s like saying it’s ok to physically force people who work retail to carry your shit or check you out when they’re on a break or not even working at that particular store. It’s gross that you think assaulting a porn

the other accusations are discussed in the daily beast article that is linked with the word “multiple” in the first sentence of this article.

If you don’t know much about the pornography industry, you shouldn’t really be commending it as responsible and safe or hand-waving away criticisms of it as it “getting a bad rep”.

I’ll reserve judgement on how they handled until more facts come out about how much they knew and tolerated.

Exactly what about a group of employees at a major pornogprahy company standing around and doing nothing while Deen attacked Tori Lux do you think constitutes a “fuck-ton [of] responsibility and safety”?

This doesn’t sound like doing a great job to me.

You cannot be serious.

he looks like Scott from Keeping Up with the Kardashians to me.

You can cry “consenting adults!” all you want, but the kind of dudes who actually want to act out domination and forced penetration are not gonna be the kind to, shall we say, “leave it all on the field.” Nobody can compartmentalize as well as they think they can.

You answered your own question. They probably had the kind of sex that requires a safe word.