
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Brenton Thwaite are not household names or anything. And Gerard Butler barely qualifies as a big time celebrity. And the lack of middle Eastern big name actors is all the more reason they should be including them when it’s appropriate.

Gerald Butler is a major actor now? Hollywood is at an all time low then.

The big name argument isn’t very convincing given who they actually did cast. Gerard Butler isn’t really a movie opener these days. I’d be kind of surprised if they couldn’t do as well with a cast that included some black and some Middle Eastern looking actors, regardless of how well-known they were.

I feel like I’m the only one not jumping on the bandwagon of “Hello”. I got the album, but I’m not feeling it like I did the last two albums.

Green beans with pecans and peppers. Not all greens are a waste of space.

Find me one entitled, Friendsgiving-celebrating millennial that can properly cook a turkey without the help of mommy. Spend the day with your family. They are the only ones who won’t reject you when the rest of the world shaves and gets an office job.

Fox News viewers were never going to vote for him anyway.

That’s a point, but this is a fictional reimagining of what an emblem created for the eastern states under Nazi control might look like, not an emblem that was ever actually used, as far as I can tell.

Manufactured outrage has the highest quality though.

Considering that it’s not a swastika, I’m not even sure most Americans would even be aware of the Nazi symbolism unless it’s been pointed out to them, so whatever. Carry on with the outrage, I’ll be over here, doing something else.

its the MTA

how dare are you?? he is orange

Yeah, I don’t understand why people can’t conceptualize of any reason other than sex that women might possibly advocate for Syed. (Oh, wait, I do! It’s sexism.) If you were a lawyer (law student?), and a family friend was accused of committing a crime, and you genuinely believed that he was innocent . . . Why the fuck

Serial was a massively popular podcast that covered the case. The case is old, but the podcast came out last fall. It was pretty fascinating and covered at length in news and social media.

Every story has story tags. See right under the headline where it says “Filed to: Adnan Syed”? From there you can find links to other stories about the same topic. You can read to your hearts content.

Phrenology. He’s got the sloping temples of a murderer.

Also, the post about Paris didn’t mention anything about what Paris is or the history of France. What up, Jezebel?

I’m old too. It’s just more common for Middle Eastern men and people from the Commonwealth, specially Pakistani, I think. But Gigi hadid sound like faux fur and fake eyelashes.

Zayn/zain is actually a common name ( based on a representative sample of five Zain I know, none of them being Mallik).