You could have a little courtesy because not everyone has read the books (really, those people exist, and there are many of us) and the movie has only been out for 2 days. Just give a spoiler warning. No biggie.
You could have a little courtesy because not everyone has read the books (really, those people exist, and there are many of us) and the movie has only been out for 2 days. Just give a spoiler warning. No biggie.
The law doesn’t preclude women from consulting their physician before starting or changing their BC. It just makes it more accessible for women (like me, for example) who have had a long-term, stable experience with their BC and find it prohibitively inconvenient and expensive to schedule a gyno appoint every time…
Is there a reason you think that you would know better than the entire American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists? I’m pretty sure they’ve probably thought of the risks. Even if the pill is free, a doctors visit is an impediment for lots of people because of cost, time, transportation, etc. The experts agree…
Why should I have to read the books? I don't care about the books. They’re mediocre. I want to see the movies, they are much more fun.
Freaky mecha-baby still more realistic than the plot of the movie.
The lsat book wasn’t exactly beloved by fans and was the lowest rated of the three, so that makes sense. It’s also the darkest storyline of the three books by far.
See, I had the opposite response. Where the hell does Mark live that movies only cost $10?
Aww, but now she’s free to go live out her life like that sad blue blanket in the Lyrica commercials and have children that she never wanted! It sure did make for an easy life partner decision once she got to blame Gale for all that.
George Takei (who was sent to an internment camp with his family) has written an eloquent response. It’s much more polite than one would expect given the circumstances.
someone plz Croatoan this guys ass thx
You know, I have to say that of all the people I’ve heard from who were disappointed by/hated with a blaze of fiery passion the last book, I’ve never come across anyone who disliked it because they were expecting a neat, rote, happy ending. Seriously. Though I’ve seen a million comments from those who liked it…
Wait, so that’s not Anna Paquin? All you white ladies look the same.
i literally did not understand your point. and why i was trump in this scenario....
you are using words, but they aren’t creating any coherent thoughts.
of course I have compassion, but that doesn’t mean I can’t critique the article. this is a legit issue on our country, but this isn’t why.
Exactly. At 3 months I was dying to get back into the workforce. All the questions of “how did you leave your baby??!?!!?!” only served to make me feel like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be attached to my baby 24/7.
Settle down.
This article is ridiculous. I am all for paid family leave, but the idea that this baby died because his parents had to go back to work is resorting to the worst sort of fear mongering. Many parents choose to go back to work because they want to. Would this mother still have the same reaction if she wanted to be at…
It sounds like the baby died of natural causes, which is so sad, but that means it would more than likely happened no matter where he was or who he was with, and that definitely does not make paid parental leave a matter of life and death. Not seeing the correlation between the title and the actual facts of the story.