
You know what people used to say about Trump winning the presidency? Literally 18 months ago?

Especially given that, you know, there are going to be elections after this one (I’m hoping and praying), so if the system is so deeply broken that 10% of votes cast were illegitimate, maybe we should fix it for next time?

I am still struck by the bizarreness (and how is it that after the past 18 months, I still find anything in the world bizarre) that the sitting President of the United States is claiming that the election that led to his victory had massive, unprecedented levels of fraud--basically, that up to 10% of votes cast were

Lots of people live in California. You can’t speak for all of them and I doubt you do, on this matter. A year ago, certainly two years ago, people were saying the exact same things about the Trump presidency. Nothing can be taken for granted anymore.