
I’m 100% convinced that female Tuscan is Fennec. Her body language and badass moves on the train are totally Ming Na Wen. 

It was a reference to an incident a few years ago when a real owl *was*discovered in the Rockefeller Center Xmas tree.  

Wait—isn’t he just in China?

Pretty sure you can just remove “ The Northman trailer” from the headline.

We try not to sexualize claymation.

Best episode so far of this ok-not-great season. Ullman is a treasure. 

Yeah, this wasn’t ambiguous at all, it was clear, coming right off the table read scene.

Yeah! How *dare* a streaming service not want people to use it for free!

This is a great observation. They were *just* on the edge of the arena era — The Who, Zep, etc figuring out massive PAs/stageshows and all that. Hell, Harrison himself helped define it with Concert for Bangladesh just a year or so later. And of course Paul most successfully adapted to it pretty quickly. But yeah, they


John wasn’t around for the Get back “strumming” scene. As he strums, George and Ringo pick up and start playing along. It is, indeed, Let it Be he’s noodling on the piano whilst John discusses set designs. It was a very specific edit by Jackson to present it like that.

My wife, a casual fan at best, is riveted by every moment. So yeah, bloat is in the eye of the beholder?

Definitely underrated. His slide on For You Blue, for example.

It just seems so odd to me that a cynical, satirical film about a group of chain-smoking opportunist slobs, where one hits on both a student and a client, and which goes out of its way to make the EPA the bad guy, is repainted into a touchy-feely treatise on “family”. Ugh.

Toss in ‘The Magnificent Ambersons” and you might have something.

Her sole sin of the hour is lying to a panicked space station commander, but the lie was necessary in order to get the man to hear reason, and the fact that he winds up dead by the end isn’t her fault.

Loved it! It felt like a callback to the little boy making a swastika pillow.

Ball herself was naturally brunette (not that those other options aren’t compelling).

“ infinite number of Lee Paces”

1. Ok it wasn’t a meeting per se, but the dinner scene (ya know, the source of “Your scientists...”)
2. Typo, sue me.