
Walt’s head, of course.

A great scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark: a meeting.
A great scene in Jurassic Park: a meeting.
A great scene in The Dark Night: a meeting.
Yes, they’re often just exposition dumps, but meeting scenes *can* be compelling.

- I must be old, because I thought “Dylan O’Brien” was a character, not an actor playing himself.
- Don, Jr. has a hunting photo of himself like that other Don Jr. It was prominent in the background of shots in his office.
- One of the Netflix people is in a wheelchair. How has Larry not mentioned it yet?

Just want to add there, it drove me crazy the FIRST thing Gaal didn’t do was ask glitching Hari FOR THE DAMN PASSWORD.

C’mon, we all know he’s just gonna ring up his buddy Paul Simon to sit in.

All I want from this film is a recreation of the infamous incident when Vivian Vance ordered a champagne toast when William Frawley died (they HATED each other).

Came here for this. In what universe is T2 better than the masterpiece that is The Terminator? Sheesh.

Creepy Girl!!

Latte Larry’s had sanitizer on every (bolted-down) table. The man is a seer.

In which we learn where Ben and Elaine are headed on the bus.

I thought of A Clockwork Orange as well--that tunnel scene is iconic. This had to be intentional.

15 months *later*, I’m pretty sure (which makes more sense).

Still waiting for LEE staring Ted Danson

Would that not be Hawkii?

Why did I get a Dr. Horrible alert for this?

This is really the only acceptable one.

Pretty sure Sharon won’t be born for like 40 years.

But does it rise above the noise and confusion?

Helps though with the three seashells.