
Superior how? Acting? Script? Camerawork? Effects? Makeup? Editing? Lighting? The only thing it has going for it is the NSFW language, to say it's superior in any other way is just idiotic.

What happens is you really appreciate what a good actor brings to even mediocre material? The TV show may be neutered by mainstream network meddling and bland scripts, but at least Matt Ryan brings professional acting and swagger to the show. The crew know how to edit and use a camera too.

To give this an A is typical of the general over-rating of AV Club. For weeks now Larrick has been a character that just ignored writing constraints to be a telepathic super spy. Able to track people down off-screen with almost no information and sew secret tracking bugs carefully into Jared's bag. This episode was

This is one more example why AV Club ratings are just nonsensical and not even worth their critical weight outside of a the realm of personal blogging.