
We use the Acadia for family truckstering (five kids, dear gods) and the 3 series for fun. We’re trying to decide whether to buy a z4, a Corvette or a boxster as the other(for real) play car. I’m leaning Porsche, but she likes the look of the z4 and she hates Corvettes.
In other words, you can have both worlds if

I’m sorry,but I don’t see a shred of genius in this asshole. He liked, he stole other people’s work, and thought he was so brilliant he would get away with it. He’s been caught, so the mastermind bit goes out the window.

That's not an F-16, that's a Mitsubishi F-2. Despite the visual similarities they are very different aircraft, most notably in light of your comment, the F-2 is a fair bit larger than a Viper.

One more thing, men and women “playing with swords” is an Olympic sport. Being a stupid child throwing out 401(k) and profit sharing as if this makes you awesome is not.

And your penis substitute is money, we get it. You want us to think that you’re awesome, but you’re not. Many people make quite a good living teaching European martial arts, against which shoalin bullshit would quickly lose. Why? Because it’s an honest fighting system not meant for show, but to kill. It’s extremely