
Oh no, Arken, YOU ARE original. You’re the specialist snowflake of a man on this site, throwing your fucking tantrums because bitches don’t want to hear your original and very smart arguments about race and feminism.

Still better than bros flouncing on a feminist website about how they are gonna off themselves because they are emotionally manipulative man-babies.

Like all those pesky POC you told off on the Coen brothers piece, or the Minaj piece. Oh wait, you pulled your usual bullshit and said you were going to kill yourself because they hurt your fweelings. Poor little Arken baby.

Dude, stop with the stupid flouncing. You play the same sad song all the time: you whitesplain shit, people call you on it, you double down, they call you on it, you tell people to fuck off, they call you on it, you threaten to kill yourself.

Grow the fuck up dude. Go take care of your kid or something instead of

When are YOU going to leave like you said you would?