
I'll be lucky if I manage to draw a straight-looking window on a box when my daughter is that age. Sigh.

@lingin: There's the Coto finale and then the shitty finale finale which Bragga did which involved a TNG tie-in and was terrible.

@lingin: I think he did a pretty good job with what he was given in terms of Enterprise. I'm sure he knew it was going to be the final season and he turned it into a sort of long TOS tribute. Worked for me.

@JimmyBanks: 'Nice try?' This isn't a contest. I'm taking what he said literally because he didn't give me any reason not to. I also never said google does 'so much evil,' I merely implied that Mr. Schmidt is not very interested in privacy.

@JimmyBanks: So no one should ever use gmail for any personal messages? Is that what you're really suggesting? Really?

@JimmyBanks: You really don't understand why you might not want others to know your business even if what you're doing is legal? If not, can I have your bank account and PIN?

Dodos were not passive or friendly. They were the top predators on Mauritius until they were killed off by invasive species destroying their eggs. True, they had no fear of humans, but it was because they were the top predator that they had no fear.

@delos: "If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place."

Hey! This is a private issue! You need to respect Schmidt's privacy!

@Arbron: Yeah, you can tell he has a great sense of humor. Jar-Jar was hilarious.

That kind of sarcastic denial from a representative sounds less like truth and more like damage control. In fact, it's very similar to what Arianna Huffington's rep did over the Blackberry incident.

This reminds me of the anime Metropolis (not to be confused with Fritz Lang's silent film), where robots live in slums.

@ProudAmerican76: "So if someone isn't intelligent to listen to a warning, and continue to hide, then Darwinism rules."

@ProudAmerican76: No, but you think it's possible not to care about those lives apparently.

@ProudAmerican76: I never said purposefully. That's another assumption.

@ProudAmerican76: I never said I was 'against our forces' but thanks for making that assumption.