
@BobDeNatale: Well yeah, in the end, it's still a comic book.

@J.Bourne: Uh... Game of Thrones coming to HBO?

@Archaneus: Considering there are already beings in the Stargate franchise that can do literally anything including violating the laws of physics whenever they feel like just by thinking about it, I don't think a god in that context is too far-fetched. And I'm saying this as an atheist.

I hope this doesn't get marked as spam, this is sort of the appropriate place for it. I am raising $2000 over the next 28 days on kickstarter to make an HD documentary film about microscopic life. Please take a moment to check it out.

@Fierock: Unfortunately, they explain that too. He mixes chemicals in a lab. There's just no room for ass silk in traditional Spider-Man.

@Eriah: If you believe the events of Spider Man: Fever, he actually got his powers from a multi-dimensional spider god, so go figure.

@Fierock: He had refill capsules. It was actually sort of a running plot point that he had to change them on the fly.

Protip: If you have a robot that can only move very slowly, don't try to make it dance to fast music.

@Mr. Mastodon Farm: The only thing I can think is they are ignoring the first film entirely and saying that Christmas Vacation was better than European Vacation. Which it was, because European Vacation was not especially good.

@Crrash: I'd also suggest that if he marketed his web shooters, it would make his fighting crime a lot harder, since criminals would be able to fight him with his own weaponry. "With great power comes great responsibility" and all that.

@BobDeNatale: Not necessarily. Consider the real world case of William James Sidis, a child prodigy who enrolled in Harvard at age 11 and ended up contentedly working menial jobs while doing amazing work on math and science and publishing it under pseudonyms, making little to no money. One of the few works published

@Angryrider: I should always scroll down before I comment to see if someone else said the same thing.

I always thought if they were organic, they should have shot out of his ass.

I'd like to see it done with 'cards' of a more realistic size.

A fashion designer makes a reference to Star Wars while showing off his classic car collection.

@trs: And, by extension, this chart.