
@Wookielifeday: Well, I can't really argue with 'it's not rational,' so I guess that's it.

I've never understood the whole 'degrading' thing when it comes to corpses. Unless you're an ancient Egyptian and think the physical state of the body is in any way important after death, why do you care what people do to your corpse?

@TheJaz: And you know this, having attended confidential Apple board meetings.

@Eriamjh: I hate that thing. It makes football look interesting. Then I see actual football.

@magecu: You have to remember that Italy is not that big a country and it has to share the spectrum with a lot of its neighbors without drowning out their own TV signals. I'm guessing the amount of bandwidth available to them is low enough for it to be too precious to use two channels for.

You write this as if there is hours of 3D TV footage worth watching.

@Y2KGTP: Mr. Roarke's fantasy was to have an improbably muscular chest for a man with his age and physique that didn't match his skin tone.

This chart claims that National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was far better than National Lampoon's Vacation.

@metronome49: John Scully agrees with you. Those under him beg to differ.

@saltboy: He used to just show up in a box with a big frown.

@drbotts908: Despite people claiming he is an evil all-powerful dictator worse than Hitler and Stalin combined, Steve Jobs has a board of directors to answer to like any other CEO and does, in fact, need permission to take a leave of absence.

@Alasdair Wilkins: Haha. I wasn't holding it up as good, merely successful in that somehow, it keeps getting renewed. I didn't get into the pilot and never watched again. Maybe I'm missing something, but I doubt it. My point is that the internet is a diversion from TV, but that diversion has not been beneficial to the

@adros47: It's just too bad that some of the failures are not even given much of a chance to begin with. I think Virtuality had the potential to be the next great sci-fi TV series, but it wasn't given a chance at even a season.

@Alasdair Wilkins: It actually is something I noticed in the film world too. The kind of bad movie that exists now is just not the same as the kind of bad movie that used to exist. The truly memorable bad movies of the past were low-budget affairs with a second-rate celebrity in the lead at best, made as quickly as

@Hazbork_Zwoffle: What gets me is that BSG started out as a trial mini-series and only became a TV show after the audience reaction, so a mini-series with a single plot is a terrific way to start a show and they just never do it now. I don't get it.

@gmuslera: The internet, however, has not put out very much good sci-fi TV. The only two notable things I can think of was Dr. Horrible, which was a standalone short project, and Sanctuary, the latter of which only really succeeded when it was remade with a bigger (yet still tiny) budget. And Sanctuary isn't really

I find these U.S. Civil Defense TV spots from the 1960s using marionettes far more disturbing: []

@Seeräuberjenny: If you liked Watkins' The War Game, try and dig up some of his other films, especially Punishment Park and Culloden. Some of them are on Google Video.

@pyriccrash: I didn't even consider that. Yeah, that would definitely not be cheap for businesses.