
@tomsomething: No, it's false colored like in photoshop. Why they didn't color the needle silver is beyond me.

Black batter? Do you mean dark matter?

When you're done with those, check out my microscope photos site (done with a standard optical scope):

Computer succeeds at game which requires database of trivia knowledge. Film at 11.

The ride is (usually) called the Himalaya for some reason. I know when I think of that majestic mountain range, the first thing that comes to mind is a carny blaring .38 Special.

I've been wanting to get the words 'Does Not' on this plate, but it's just too douchey and political.

This is the umpteenth time I've seen a picture of a volcano erupting with a caption along the lines of 'Mordor is real.'

This will make my sex tapes so much more creative.

@Serolf Divad: Then you would have no reason to buy a console. That would be a pretty poor business decision on Sony's part.

@Prinny1God: I said, "wow." I said, "wow, those aren't very impressive graphics."

Looks familiar.

@jeffery: Ah, I kind of gave up on Caprica. Thanks.

@Starlionblue: No, they were created by Cylon Earth Cylons. You know, the "Final Five."

Anderson has said he is never working with marionettes again, because there were too many problems, especially when characters were walking. That's why he didn't use them in Terrahawks.

You know, some days, I feel like there's an industry-wide conspiracy to make sci-fi so god-awful that it will never be on TV again. Sigh.

@jeffery: That actually made more sense to me than this does since the humanoid Cylons were virtually indistinguishable from humans. Even when they found Cylon Earth with all the corpses, they had to analyze them to find out they were Cylons.

@Destronok: Taking it apart to make a motorcycle is not one of those circumstances.