
Late to the conversation, but definitely the best album of theirs since Z.

Land in Westchester County is extremely expensive amd scarce. How is this not being sold to a developer to build houses on? You know, one that can actually make money.

Also, 30 Rock.

Not going to get caught in a comment vortex. Good day to you sir!

Actually it IS logic. If you think it's so easy, prove it. Hint: it's not.

He wears his influences on his sleeve. So what. You try writing a better script.

I saw OutKast live back in high school, and unless I was simply tainted by naive optimism - it was a great, great show.

Or a heartless forgetting.

Did anyone pay attention to the episode where he dies? Clearly it was left open-ended when the beginning of the show featured Stewie destroying the time machine, only to question bringing it back for Brian, and then accepting the new dog. Clearly, there will be a moment when Stewie realizes the new dog is no

"Nobody ever mentioned just how boring the end of the world was gonna be."

It's a 1970's American Graffiti, made in the early 1990's. American Graffiti being set in the 1950's, made in the 1970's. So, are we going to get an early 1990's movie of the same theme soon?