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    Well yes, nobody goes to see "the new Amanda Seyfried joint". Of course she gets paid less. Way to attempt to make this about sexism.

    Half the good things on earth are nothing but fat and sugar

    I think the motivations behind it are more important. The reason to make her more serious and avoid the crazy cleavage is to put an emphasis on the straight-up perfect warrior aspect of the character. That's fine. Let's go with a no-nonsense warrior angle. Some of the the other artists wanted the physically ideal

    I understand hiding the boobs and that she needs to have a big "W" somewhere but would a warrior still have armor that has upturned spikes close to her neck and torso?

    Didn't you feel like the book spent way too much time fucking around until it got back to the main story? I felt that was a really artificial way to pad out the book.

    It was strange - I feel like at the end you're not supposed to care much about the powers, and pay attention to the overarching plot instead, which is why the reasons and extent of the power are left vague, but at the same time there are way too many parts where the book makes you care a lot about the transformation

    It's fine. It's readable because Hill can write - and if you read 20th Century Ghosts you know he's at least capable of writing a hell of a short story.

    So it's a good adaptation. The novel is also a short story stretched out into a novel.

    The sheer consistency of these so far is impressive. This one is the worst so far, and it's still a solid 8 at least.

    PG13 Constantine. Rarely have I heard of ideas as bad as this one.

    There's like 6 wolverine movies, one is out right now.

    Unclear how it's a "rationalization" when he directed the scene.

    Only in the internet could someone look at a 17 year old guy saying he was repeatedly raped after being drugged and say "Yes but how does that affect other people?"

    Also this might sound crazy but I say we check if people are fucking kids before we worry about how it affects politics.

    Are you high? You gotta be high.

    Also grindr? Not an app made to organise large scale pedophilia rape parties. Not sure why it was even brought up.

    Catholic priests can be considered powerful in some communities.

    You never heard about priests fucking young boys either until recently. Is it really any more farfetched that powerful Hollywood people would do it?

    This makes me really sad. I hope he stops here, we don't really need a written record of his degeneration.

    That's not going to be a problem. Trust me.