Damn. I wonder if this post is clever, double negative, stealth advertising for the app?
Damn. I wonder if this post is clever, double negative, stealth advertising for the app?
Jesus Christ. All the former Gawker sites should change their names to “Everything is Racist”. I am dyed-in-the-wool progressive, and I know racism exists and does real harm to people in myriad ways. Yet, somehow you guys literally turn every 3rd article into “X is racist!” just because it involves the issue of…
I am trying to feel something about this, but I seem to not give a shit. Must be the harbinger of nuclear fire or something.
Interesting. Maybe roughly seeing yourself as how you would look if you were born elsewhere will help people connect a bit better and overcome the stark differences that we visually interpret and apply as race. In this new global world we certainly need something to fool the brain’s evolved tribalistic penchant for…
I know this is a hard concept for people to understand, but you are not entitled to being found beautiful or attractive by other people. I'm a fat person, but it is pretty annoying when I hear about fat people feeling so entitled to being attractive with no effort that they are critical of other people's taste and…