
Eh, I think it’s like razors in apples, poison in Tylenol, and crazy exes in that it’s an incredibly rare thing that turns into a major fear through media and word-of-mouth coverage. You could arguably add terrorism and school shootings to that list if you want to get political.

I second the suggestion to go to the Grand Tetons instead of or in addition to Yellowstone. It’s been 30 years since I did either, but I found the Grand Tetons more cleansing of the soul (which seems like a pretty good reason to go to a national park).

Don’t go. It’s full of morons from the city that have apparently never seen a bird before and that will stop their car in the middle of the road to look at it. Bonus points if they exit the vehicle while it’s in the middle of the road, blocking traffic.

I believe this is called “giving him enough rope to hang himself”

She’s asked him repeatedly not to do this, yet he’s not only still doing it but openly drooling at barely legal girls right in front of her?

Don’t be a fucking idiot.

Faster than that. Think “October this year.”

Also, I’m fucking amazed that these people let cops into their house without a warrant, dug through their own trash to give them evidence, AND provided them with identification so they could check for warrants. The proper response would have been to tell Officer Drug Dog to fuck right off and to then call your lawyer.

Does anyone see the irony and hypocrisy in this besides me?

If they get Amish builders, they can have that club back up in a day, two at most.

I know right, its amazing how blind these folks are that they can imagine for a second that this wasnt a planned intentional push by an organization.

The clap and crabs? Thats what you should expect. Depending on the club either people who are your parents age or lots of young narcissists. Worked security as a stop gap to pay the bills. Felt like I had to boil myself after work every night.

“I recommend bringing your own condoms, lube, dental dams, or gloves.”

A couple of other points:

What I expect: Super Gonorrhea

Man, you guys have been living together in a small bedroom for 5 years, with him unemployed and ALWAYS THERE for most of it, and you didn’t kill him? I would have strangled him after about three weeks out of a pure desperate need for personal space.

I wish folks had been as mad about this during the Obama years

So, I do want to add something to this, which I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. As much as I want to attribute this complete fuck-up to malice or anything particularly awful, I think there’s a high possibility a lot of these 1,500 kids missing are people who voluntarily left their sponsors to go to live with

Agreed. I used to hang out with my dad when he was grilling burgers on a charcoal grill, with a few hickory-sticks for effect. I only caught fire once, and that was because I made “napalm” with a bucket of gasoline and styrofoam; completely unrelated to any sort of “grilling” activity.

Anyone with kids knows that kids can, and do, get around those things.