
Yet here you are, doing essentially the same thing but to a dead guy.

Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?

Didn’t realize how many feelings I have about being perpetually single before going through the comments, but ^^THIS.

If you’re going into a relationship with both partners’ expectations, hopes, goals, etc. being a lifetime relationship - and it doesn’t work out - it is a failure. Otherwise you’re just like some land developers we all know that starts working on a building that’s supposed to be a full fledged and complete project,

What if you still like/respect/care about them as a person but it’s like someone flipped a switch and you’ve lost all sexual attraction you had to them? Is there any way to fix that?

This is slightly off topic, but one thing that always bothers me about singlehood narratives (and I’m not necessarily talking about this one because I think the author does touch on this) is that when single people say they want a relationship the advice is always - “GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING SINGLE” no matter the

I was a very long term single person, and I know it’s hard. Honestly, the hardest, best thing I ever did for myself was to realise that everyone saying “don’t worry, you’ll find someone!” was full of shit - no one can know this. Sure, most people eventually do find someone, but some people don’t, and I could very

No one NEEDS a Mustang.

I think what she meant was “being single when you don’t want to be single.” It’s an important distinction to make.

Or just don’t have a friend group either. It works for me.

Here’s another hard truth about being the last single person in your group of friends: if you do ever get married, no one will ever give a shit because they all did their thing and everyone else’s thing and they’re mentally done with it by the time your wedding rolls around.

In the same boat here. What gets me is the number of times a paired-up friend has told me “I need to find someone for you!” and never followed-through with it. What gives?

Your whiny ass comment still does not explain why you blame a gun and not a car when BOTH are illegally by a person to kill!FYI: I have a safe full of guns with many being designed for competition and not your kill fantasy

Traffic “calming” measures are incredibly crude ham-fisted measures that cause annoyance, damage to vehicles, over complication*, and traffic congestion.

You morons always blame guns after shootings, no one is blaming the car?

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

OMFuckingG. Those daily/nightly phone calls. Years ago before everyone had cell phones I had a BF who insisted on a nightly phone call because we were BF/GF. Some nights I’d come home from work or school, tired to the bones and wanting to just collapse in bed or vegetate in front of the TV. But first that fucking,

Or maybe you take all the damn pills like your doctor said, instead of stopping them when you “feel better” and saving the remainder in case you “need them again some time.” That practice has led to drug-resistant super-gonorrhea.

Dude, you need to have some self-respect. You should only pursue someone when you think there’s a very good likelihood of them wanting to pursue you as well. I mean, even from a position of pure self-interest, life is too short to waste time on a bad bet.

Eject any thoughts of her rejection hurting your self-worth.

The “shooter was bullied” narrative comes straight from Columbine, where it’s been totally debunked.