
Thanks for pointing out that “Assault Weapon” is a mostly useless political term. It’s a scare word with no set definition. You could also add that it typically describes the aesthetics of a firearm rather than the functionality.

Its not the small errors that make the arguments invalid. Its the individuals (usually legislators) that demonstrate that they know nothing about what they are talking about that hurt your arguments.

What about fudd?

There is a such thing as a clip that is not someone confusing the term with a magazine. For example, an SKS typically uses clips to feed the ammo into the gun (some take AK magazines).

“My husband is addicted to something that’s stealing his time, making him curt and rude, and ruining our sex life.”

Yep, right there is when I started thinking “girl, cut your losses”. I get wanting to try, but at the point of casual disrespect? Fuck that guy.

Alternative advice. Just have a kid. Then neither of you will be either gaming or having sex. Source: Life.

Seriously, does he have a job? Is he getting exercise? Spending every night from 8-who knows gaming seems hard to do if you’re employed.

Um, she already was doing everything you suggested? Planning activities, initiating sex/creating romance (whatever that means) and his response is defensiveness, disinterest, and insults. This guy is a walking red flag.

Only six months in, huh? May still be able to get an annulment...

I feel like this advice is pretty good for the problem of “my husband plays video games too much” and pretty awful for the writer’s actual problem, which is, “my husband doesn’t want to have sex with me.” you not know how Cults work? If you need some help they’ve got that new video game Far Cry 5 and that recent miniseries Waco, as well as numerous books and television and movies based on the process of recruiting and brainwashing vulnerable people.

Gimme a break! Like you’ve never thought about recruiting for a sex cult.

Wow, you have so much garbage people in your thread, who da thunk it, delete the idiots of “due process” because they fuckers know nothing about laws or due process in the courts of truth.

They are suing reporters instead of fixing their own culture. I was looking forward to this game too. Hard pass now

Hehe poor second pup who got shut out for a while there.

“So, what’s my motivation here? I’m surviving? Well, let me tell you, the first thing I’d do it kill George here. He has extra clothes I can use, and I’m not sharing my ration bars. I have enough here for 12 days. Or 6 days if I’m sharing.
Where’s my hatchet...sorry George.”

Sounds like the solution here is to get rid of the frats.

Then you make a “get home bag” to keep in your vehicle, or at your office or wherever you spend a lot of your time.