
Have you see the vitriol that is thrown out on Facebook and other places about what people use Food Stamps to buy? There is a subset of people in America that feel like if their tax dollars are paying for it then they should get an absolute say in what people can use the money for.

Damn, this is a good take. It also takes into account how thin and lean most U.S. businesses are running these days. If you are already running your business with a minimal crew complement, you literally can’t afford to fire people just because the law requires them to be paid a living wage, since stuff will simply

I’d rather be ghosted than friendzoned, to be honest.
But people, please have the decency to tell when at all possible, so someone doesn’t waste days or weeks wondering, and not moving on to someone they can enjoy life with. In essence, you’re putting people on hold until they go away. That is rude on a telephone call,

It was interesting to google for “what to do when a guy ghosts you” and to see the gender-flipped analysis. Much of it is, “Guys ghost you because they’re immature assholes, emotionally unavailable, and cheaters”.

I don’t disagree, but its clear to me that if she ghosts then she’s immature. Either way, wash hands and block the number.

I haven’t dated for nearly 25 years, but it seems to me that today’s daters are much more rude, cutthroat, and utilitarian than they were in the 80s and 90s.

I feel that unless you did something pretty bad, being ghosted is the coward’s way out. It’s easy to block someone on a dating app or your phone. Be honest, be polite and be ready to block in case they don’t take it well.

I don’t ghost, I boltergeist.

If you go on a date with someone and it turns out you’re not interested for whatever reason, but they seem like a decent enough person, then please just send a “thanks but no thanks” type of text— especially if they follow up. Unless the person you went on a date with has really a... concerning personality (aka serial

She’s dating multiple people and someone else stood out.

In this world of disposable dating you just have to expect this sort of thing to happen from time to time. It didn’t work out, move on. No one in their right mind would ghost someone they are really into so just be glad you don’t have to waste more time and money on that person.

Because she was attractive and its hard to move on from that.

Why would this even be a question? Things didn’t click for her apparently and rather than have the backbone to say so, she ghosted you. Why would you want to pursue anything after that? Move on!

All of these situations suck. The whole systems sucks. But I do not get why people are so dead set on having kids. Especially in this trashbin we call the U.S. Do you really think bringing children into this cesspool is a worthy endeavor of your time and resources?

Don’t have a baby if you can’t afford it!

Also don’t have an abortion cuz it’s evil.

It really depends on the agent used. I was in the 4th MEB (precursor to MARSOC). Specifically, I was attached to the CBIRF survey unit (the guys that respond to NBC incidents in the US, such as the ricin letters). Even more specifically, I performed decontamination.

In the case of chemical agents, they’re mostly

It’s an interesting calculation.

In the real world, faced with 26 years of psychological and even physical torture, and having children to raise and protect, all your noble ideals must rest in favor of ensuring the survival of yourself, your loved ones, your associates and most of all, the movement.

She was convicted of kidnapping a 14-year-old anti-apartheid activist accused of being an informant, whose body was later found near Madikizela-Mandela’s home.

The ANC itself tried to throw out Winnie Mandela multiple times for being a bit of a nutjob (and for being corrupt as all heck).