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    Get your bed up off the floor, and do the opposite of everything you see in r/NeckbeardNests

    Accrued more contacts, picked a major that isn’t worthless.

    There a big difference between not being able to keep anybody, and not being able to attract anybody in the first place.

    The idea that you’re perfect just the way you are and eventually someone will come along and love you with no conditions or expectations is a Disney/Hollywood myth.

    This is why anyone with parents alive today can pretty much forget about any kind of inter-generational wealth transfer. Long term care and chronic health problems will rob your parents’ estate blind, and if you’re extremely lucky, you’ll break even and not have to pay debts from their care.

    That’s a pretty optimistic, boomeresque picture of life in your 50s and 60s. Not very many people in their 20s or 30s can really look forward to such luxuries as real estate, catching up on retirement contributions, or kids who can financially support themselves? In an era of stagnant wages, automation, and exploding

    I think the predominant explanation for “why am I alone?” is “because you are not attractive enough to, well, attract someone.

    I guess if you can’t find actual “nazis” to assault, you can always settle for petty property destruction and fighting the police.

    Don’t worry about it, because you’ll never actually have any.

    First they came for the Jews, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t Jewish.

    All the good and valid reasons to leave Twitter, and the one you decide to go with is “because they won’t silence people I don’t like?”

    Meh. It’s the exact same attitude the right wingers had during Obama: It came from the mouth of Obama, therefore it must be bad, therefore I don’t have to put any mental energy into learning or evaluating information for myself.

    She was definitely cheating as soon as she was good-looking enough to score more attractive dick than hubby. She sure as hell didn’t put in that work for his benefit.

    Caller Number One’s wife wanted to trade up. She made it happen as soon as she had the looks to do so. That’s what people do.

    War is hell.

    Mkay. Well, you’re a soft, squishy writer who sits in front of a computer all day, and they’re the people out there doing the hard work that enables you to sit safely in front of your computer all day, so I don’t think I’d begrudge them a small laugh.

    Meh. Friends are temporary. You always turn on or abandon them, and they always turn on or abandon you. Things are easier by yourself. All relationships are transient.

    It’s just another fad. They’ll get tired of it eventually and move on to something else. ‘Member Minecraft?

    “Alexa. Activate sentry guns.”

    That you have a house that is falling apart and you can’t afford to fix.