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    Eh. Eventually first dates turn into “I’m going to dance in this minefield until something goes boom”. It’s not a question of if you’re gonna be disappointed, it’s how.

    With all the assaults, false rape reports, and other bullshit that Uber drivers have to deal with, you should absolutely be recording EVERYTHING and from multiple angles.

    Seriously? Scraping Reddit for your content?

    Student loans are a scam. You’ll have to be more specific.

    lol sure dude, Vegas was the NRA’s fault. Did they do 9/11, too?

    MGM also wants to get these consolidated into one class-action lawsuit, which would be the logical thing to do in any case.

    The victims are suing them for the unlawful actions of a lone nutjob. They’re fair game. MGM is being sued for the sole reason that they are the wealthiest surviving party involved in the shooting.

    It would make everything a lot easier if those people would simply move to their own venue.

    Funny how anti-gunners seem to be big fans of people they don’t like being shot.

    It takes about three minutes to fill up my car. That’s pretty damn convenient.

    Mitch McConnell refuses to take rights away from law-abiding Americans just because you’re sad and angry. womp-womp.

    How busy can you really be when you have all your food, purchases, entertainment, and even your gas delivered on demand by someone else?

    Wow, this is some bougie shit right here. Drive to the gas station and fill up your car like a normal human being.

    Sounds like restating the simple, common knowledge that people with broad networks use their network to skip the line and get ahead.

    This person sounds insufferable. I see why nobody wants to stick around him for very long.

    Tear down the patriarchy and traditional gender norms, be prepared to lose the benefits of patriarchy and traditional gender norms. You’re liberated now and men are not obligated to pay for your children.

    Texas resents being referred to as any part of the country other than “Texas”.

    Or just don’t have kids.

    Step 1: Realize you will never be able to afford a house.

    Almost like strict gun laws don’t fix anything.