Oh, look, more complete incompetence and apathy by the people who are supposedly going to protect us once the law-abiding people have had all their guns taken away.
Oh, look, more complete incompetence and apathy by the people who are supposedly going to protect us once the law-abiding people have had all their guns taken away.
Comparing immigration enforcement to the Holocaust is extraordinarily disrespectful to the people who experienced the Holocaust.
Doesn’t matter, got to post on Facebook about how I’m awesome for standing up to ICE! /s
Or you could just not try to interfere with law enforcement or protect illegals. That’s always an option.
Homeschooling is child abuse and homeschooling from a tiny RV is child abuse squared.
This is child abuse. You took away their home. You took away their ability to form relationships and put down roots. You force them to live a segregated life where all flow of information is controlled by you. You crammed them all into a tin can where nobody can have any privacy. You exploit them for social media…
Or you could just live your life normally as a reasonable, normal person instead of obsessing over winning the approval of people who generally don’t want your self-proclaimed “allyship” in the first place.
So, at this point we no longer have any of the milquetoast, limp-dicked protections that were put in place after the crash. Awesome. It’s just about time to crash the economy and kick a few million more Americans out of their homes so corporations can swoop in, buy them cheap, and rent them out for twice what the…
It’s telling that Democrats and the media are largely silent on all of this.
The only thing grosser than this move is the people cheering for it.
What do you expect from an organization that hosts an outright hate site?
Nobody on this site has the right to refer to themselves as a “journalist” ever again.
Harley Davidson: Singlehandedly preserving Medicare for future generations.
Not listed: The people who brought the Ninth Circuit lawsuit.
Maybe getting shut down again will teach them.
You people are trash.
You are a racist and this is a racist website.
A. She sounds super jealous.
It does require detainment, because they’ll run and become undocumented people who have to be hunted down and deported at great expense. Non-citizens have no inherent right to be allowed into the US. This is our country, and the entire developing world cannot skip ahead to a first world standard of living by packing…