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    He was a piece of shit, and he died like a piece of shit. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    You can’t take care of children when you’re in jail. It really doesn’t matter what the reason is, if you are currently incarcerated then somebody has to deal with the children. This is what happens to any American who does not have a spouse or other immediate guardian to take the kids when they get put in jail.

    Motorcycle message boards are way too accustomed to their members dying suddenly and horribly. It will never be a safe activity, no matter how you ride.

    Your children WOULD be kept in temporary housing while foster care is found, if your local county system was dealing with this volume of people heading into custody.

    Nobody crying for all the Americans sitting in county jails right now, their kids taken by CPS and rehomed because you obviously can’t have children in the lockup with you.

    My kids will be taken away if I get booked into jail for drunk driving, can’t make bail, and there is nobody else around to take care of them.

    Yes there is: Because a Ninth Circuit court order dictates that children cannot be kept in confinement with their parents.

    It’s pretty simple to resolve: Change the 2008 TVPA to update the provisions that the Ninth Circuit used to prohibit detention of children with their families.

    Call your representative and tell them to vote for the Republican bill allowing family detention and resolving the court order that led to this whole thing.

    Shhhhh, just let the narrative happen.

    It’s not who you know, it’s whose office you can claim by defeating them in ritual combat.

    Eh. It’s like a lot of things: Those with moderate talent can get by on it, those with little talent can put in effort and develop enough skill to get by, but the truly great people are the ones with moderate talent who also put in the effort to develop skill.

    Caller number two would be best served by losing weight. Overweight people are not conventionally attractive, and the few people who are attracted to them are more likely to be for fetish reasons. 5'10" 270 is well outside the range of conventional attractiveness.

    This is a great idea. Cut them a fair price, then go buy new appliances for your nice new home! Everybody gets to be happy.

    Or maybe don’t raise your kid to be an anti-rights activist. Instead of feeding them bullshit, take them to an Appleseed weekend so they can learn safe gun handling, marksmanship, and be informed instead of brainwashed.

    If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

    It’s 2018, who is still clutching their pearls over video game violence?

    TBH I can’t imagine it actually living up to what feels like ten solid years of CONSTANT. UNENDING. HYPE.

    Grow a backbone and learn to say “no”.

    You’ve got it backwards. It’s a perfectly acceptable, common sense response in 99% of situations.