Well if they came out and told you, their podcast wouldn’t get clicks.
Well if they came out and told you, their podcast wouldn’t get clicks.
Somewhere in Hawaii, a man is leaping from fencepost to fencepost, exulting in the knowledge that his floor lava training finally paid off because the floor actually is lava now.
I’m pretty sure I’ve spent two months reading this on the toilet.
Two months? Damn kids with their warped perception of time. That’s nothing.
It’s a lot easier to break stuff things than to put them back together. In 8 years, the Obama administration barely had the country functioning again from the Bush debacle. Less than six months it was all broken again.
I really hope you gain some empathy and perspective.
Typical behavior for Nvidia.
I will happily tolerate a few little quirks if that’s the price of withholding my money from the anticompetitive, monopoly-seeking assholes at Nvidia.
Yes, incarceration sucks and is expensive, let’s not use it to deal with illegal immigrants. They don’t need to be rehabilitated. They need to be removed, and when they get back home, they need to tell everyone “Don’t go there, it won’t work, you’ll just end up like me”.
Our providing them due process, and the associated wait times for that system, are why many are in sitting in custody.
Well, gee, deterrents don’t work you guys, I guess we need to repeal all the laws and let people do whatever they want.
Name the country that is totally cool with everyone from everywhere pouring over their border to take advantage of the safety and opportunity that the people of that country worked and fought to establish for themselves?
We clearly need more deterrents, and as far as I’m concerned, dragging your child across the border and into custody is abusive and unfit parenting. Would you try to drag your children across the border if you knew they’d be taken away from you?
We don’t have to catch everyone. We have to catch enough to change the cost-benefit analysis of coming here.
Okay, but consider for a moment the carbon footprint if every word of information I access on the internet had to be printed on paper and shipped to my door, or every Youtube video burned to a CD and delivered, or every Spotify album shipped in retail packaging.
If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border
If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.
I’m sorry, that’s a man purse.
I’m sorry, that’s a man purse.
Zero fucks. Zero sympathy. You married him for his money and now you’re reaping the consequences.