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    Busybodies are the worst people in the goddamn world.

    Don’t have kids, probably never going to have kids, I’d be 100% cool with restaurants kicking disruptive families out with no warning and no second chances. I’m paying for this. Your spawn are ruining it. GTFO and come back when they can behave.

    The men who can’t get laid and the women who can’t laid are both looking at each other and going “Fuck no, I can do better”.

    Hey some of us prefer to drink/internalize our pain!

    Nobody has time for that shit when you can just swipe right on a more attractive person.

    Just World Fallacy: Post Edition.

    ensure that they pair up with the best possible money:looks:charm ratio.

    Apps suck. They heap rewards on the top 5-10% of users and everyone else is shut out.

    They got “temporary” status for 20 years.

    Only humans can figure out a way to have all these mass communication technologies, constant accessibility, unrivaled ability in history to find people similar to themselves, and still have a situation where tons of people are alone, unloved, and depressed/furious about it.

    That’s the point. “Unfuckable” women would gladly hook up with their fellow “unfuckable” men,

    I didn’t care for my mother, either. I ain’t gonna shoot anyone over it.

    I’m not going to approach a guy, ask for his number, ask him out, AND plan our date.

    I agree. We’re talking about a sample size of two incidents, here. Now the media has publicized a social script for angry incels to lash out with violence, just like they publicized the social scrips for school shootings, mass shootings, and radical Islam.

    As vapid and transparently cynical as videos of kids pleading “please don’t abort me”.

    So you acknowledge that gun control is racist, but push for gun control all day, every day.

    Current employer is of the “we’re going to put you down as “temporary” so you get no benefits whatsoever and also go fuck yourself” variety, so moot point anyway.

    I found her entire arc so goddamn annoying. The Far Cry series wastes too much time on slow, trippy, drug-fueled bullshit.

    I found this amazing fitness trail outside of LA. If you stop running, you get eaten by zombie clown dentists. Awesome motivator!

    why would you do that? Just for freaking optics?