Arjun Unnikrishnan

Not Kennedy (though I'm not a fan) in Snatch Game. Not Ginger in John Waters challenge. Not Violet ever on the runway. Not Pearl on the dual look. Not MAX, Trixie, Ginger and Kasha in Glamazonian Airways. Not Violet in Hello Kitty. Not Trixie, PEarl or MAX in the Bearded Runway.

MAX definitely deserved that bottom2 spot, but it should have been against an even worse Fame, but her edit makes it clear that she wasn't going to survive that episode unscathed. That bothered me, because just her performance validated her spot, but not her elimination which was manufactured.

I mean, objectively Katya was never really a competitor come the challenges like Ginger or Violet. Both had moments where they towered above the others, Katya didn't. She was just the best personality of the bunch. She's towering weirdo lovable goofball. But in the challenges themselves, not so much.

I can see the scepticism and *Cursed Child Dread Syndrome* is in full effect. Hopefully that lack of real optimism will actually benefit the movies in the end. Yates and Cuaron did wonderful work with the latter books, so Yates should have a better time doing something tailor made for the big screen instead. Also, the

How about the period leading up to the Dumbledore vs Grindelwald showdown? Apparently that;s what's happening.

OK. Phew. Alaska's winning, but Katya put up a good fight. Far better than Season 7, where she had absolutely no chance at winning. I don't know why people say she was robbed in S7, because that was Ginger, Trixie and MAX being robbed by Fame and Pearl, but Katya was mostly middling in the actual challenges. She was

I can't imagine Ru going "Ive made a huge mistake" even with these stupid, biased eliminations cus she did the same with Pandora, Dela, MAX (ESPECIALLY), Trixie etc. At least here there's the excuse of friendship, and Alaska's tantrum wasn't a manufactured one..

I'm thrilled at Gingerbread's early exit. She was a basic witch this whole trek, and I can never forget her going for MAX in her season for being an original and exciting drag artist, which Ginger was so obviously threatened by. Aloha Red Vagina. You shan't be missed.

Not necessarily. These are pros, they know when they get stuff that's going to work. Remember Coco and Alyssa? They know Fame has a fan-base, so she was kept even though she has been under-performing for ages.

I just miss Max. Gone too soon. And thank JEEEZUSS Fame, the performance vacuum, is gone.

Every season is. But before, it was always nudge-nudge-wink-wink. here was always some semblance of justification, as is the cases of Trinity, Adore, Roxxxy, Dida etc. But this time, the editing is haywire. It's so fake, especially considering the tagline 'realness just got realer'. All the previous seasons, the

Max gets sent home over Jaidyn. Jaidyn, who's only good moment was a great Bianca and plenty of calculated breakdowns. She broke down every episode to get that redemption arc Pearl and Kennedy got, and Fame is doing the exact same thing the past two weeks. Kennedy? She has been coasting on Ginger's coat-tails for

We know for a fact that Darienne and Courtney got the villain edits. Jinxx got the sweety edit. Ru's favouritism is legendary. TYRA won season 2. We an seafely assume that editing had a definite part in it. MAx may rely on affectations, but she was by far a better performer in the challenges and polished on the runway

I think she's trying to set the cards against herself with thet Little Richard thing so that whatever she does, she makes a better impression.

*If Ginger and Kennedy CAN be trusted. Ginger has proven to be bitchy and backstabbing (the way she talked with and about Jasmine) and Kannedy..delusional and entitled. Katya never agreed. She just didn't say anything. I think Max intimidates the hell out of them, because her look is far more polished and exciting

Remember how Pandora and Ru ran with innuendos on the runway? That was gold.