God, you’re the worst.
God, you’re the worst.
Why is crafting— especially in the way that you mention, the Minecraft and MMO way, where you gather tons of shit and redo the same actions billions of times for incremental upgrades each time instead of radically different and unique things with radically different and unique ways of creating them— why is crafting a…
Nice! My mom turned me on to scifi and also made me watch Star Wars as well as Beverly Hills Cop (yeah) when I was ten... and then proceeded to make fun of me for loving scifi when I got older :P (I guess she got tired of it as she got older; she sticks to NCIS and reading Swedish crime novels, these days)
HAH great minds... after I read that comment, I had my computer start downloading Resident Evil from Steam so I can play it tonight :D
I friggin love this comment of yours. This is all awesome. That is all.
I’m pretty sure Umbrella Corp. creates zombies and bioweapons, not gender parity.
A Guide to the Best, Worst and Dumbest New TV Pilots for 2016-2017, As Written By a Writer With the Attention Span of a May Fly
Oh my god, this song/video!!! Useless fact: It was pretty popular in India way before MTV got there, interestingly. According to my chem tutor when I lived in India, anyway (by which time, MTV had colonized it)
Where is your office and what sort of work do you do for the Soviet space program?
There’s a difference between racism and idolatry— they want to emulate whites; being like whites is being successful. They will befriend white folks and welcome them into their homes, and if they don’t marry white folks, they think that having sex with white folks is a success.
As an Asian, I can confirm that all Asian countries, from South Asia to East Asia, are virulently racist. All the time. And the irony completely flies over all their heads.
Your country either
Oh, cool. They turned Falcon, War Machine, and Black Panther white. That’s... very Japanese/anime.
If you never felt that way about him, and you never treated him the way you would treat somebody with whom you were in a physical or romantic relationship, then no, it’s not on you. He was pushing for a relationship, physical or romantic, with you, and when he didn’t get what he wanted, he got pissy. Knowing somebody…
fyi your username— fantastic reference!
Reading this article now, in the light of Microsoft’s closure of Project Spark, really highlights what a special thing they had, and how much it’s going to hurt a lot of people when they fully shut it down. Too bad they didn’t publicize it beyond E3. I feel like it would be a great tool for schools, as well.
There’s a big ol’ difference between a plethora of unique content, and a plethora of cut-and-paste objectives. There’s story in the cutscenes, but there are very few unique missions in the game itself, and there really is very little content outside of the chapter bookends.
I don’t have a console anymore, but ye gods, what I wouldn’t give for a PC release of Lost Odyssey!
I quite literally bought this game specifically to play it with this mod installed. Absolutely the right thing to do (during a sale).
Did you see their explanation for announcing the game so early? (late 2012 iirc) It’s literally right there in the trailer. They announced it early because they were still building their Cyberpunk 2077 team, and they included an email address to send them resumes and CVs. It’s all right there in the trailer.