satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Did you see their explanation for announcing the game so early? (late 2012 iirc) It’s literally right there in the trailer. They announced it early because they were still building their Cyberpunk 2077 team, and they included an email address to send them resumes and CVs. It’s all right there in the trailer.

That is one of the more entitled and sad attitudes on the internet, ugh.

Eh, I think both are appropriate to the setting, although I probably wouldn’t use your song in the trailer (it doesn’t fit with the trailer, is all). The trailer music is a pretty dark song, for a dark setting.

Yeah no, she definitely didn’t read before she jumped to judge. The script is brilliant and worthy of being made into a movie; the public outcry is just so much passing wind from people who don’t even have a clue as to what they’re crying out about.

The impression I get from reading the script is that it uses the disease as a commentary on how easy it is to manipulate and be manipulated. There’s a difference between being made fun of for having Alzheimer’s, and making fun of the horrible things you did, and then being manipulated by other people and in turn

He was a bad person because he had dementia and he stayed in office, even so.

As a queerish non-white someone whose grandparents suffered from Alzheimer’s, and who is also on the road to dementia himself— havingAlzheimer’s isn’t a laughing matter, but the ludicrous things that Ronald Reagan (I spit on your grave) did to the poor, the non-white, the non-straight in this country (and through a

As a queer non-white someone whose grandparents suffered from Alzheimer’s, and who is also on the road to dementia himself— having Alzheimer’s isn’t a laughing matter, but the ludicrous things that Ronald Reagan (I spit on your grave) did to the poor, the non-white, the non-straight in this country (and through a

You absolutely hit all points. What made Clark Kent a Superman in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman was that his birth parents sacrificed themselves to give him free will, and his Earth parents sacrificed everything to shield him from humanity’s fickle nature— but he repeatedly chose, of his own will, to try and help

Wow, Rama was not a character to look up to. Yikes.

I would say that this all comes down to the writing, and the editing. It’s clear that they had to drastically edit down the movie’s run time at the very last second; Man of Steel had some real clunkers as far as dialogue went, but on the whole the plot was consistent, and it was edited infinitely better, while in Batma

Yikes. You like Gotham, but Legends is a disappointment? I would have thought if anything, it would be the opposite. Why did Legends of Tomorrow disappoint you?

Ehhh. New 52 Superman is Actual Superman. They’re bringing in a Superman from a previous universe for the nostalgia money. It would make me happier to see the New 52's actual Superman being given to one consistent writer, who gave the guy some actual direction over the course of a few years at a time, the way they

Wholeheartedly agree with all of this, honestly. DC editorial just cannot pick a direction and stick to it, and that’s why the company’s comics are floundering.

Why did so many people hate DK2? Because it wasn’t DKR? I never really understood why.

That New Avengers series was written by Jon Hickman, the destroyer of universes. Don’t assume you know anything about it if you haven’t read it ;)

The writer ended up leaving the studio, is what happened. :/ [which is pretty devastating for a game that’s this plot dependent]

Do you really think the mechanics and the technology are separate? Because they’re not. The gameplay in DOOM wouldn’t have been possible if Carmack hadn’t developed the first, and for years the best, 2.5D engine. I’m assuming by mechanics you mean something more than the first person view and circle strafing, here.

Important, yes. Influential, yes. Great, no. I think Carmack singlehandedly set back gaming for years by doing that. It’s no secret that Carmack quite literally doesn’t care at ALL about storytelling or single player in games— he cares about the technology. That was what was important to him, and he pushed out Tom

I remember this FAQ with so much affection; it was the only one that I spent nights reading through obsessively, after rushing through homework (or just ignoring homework some nights) :P