naw, it shipped with LAN/IPX/modem/null modem/serial cable support. they released a beta long before the shareware and full game; that was what lit all the university BBSs and computer lab LANs on fire back in 1993 and 1994.
naw, it shipped with LAN/IPX/modem/null modem/serial cable support. they released a beta long before the shareware and full game; that was what lit all the university BBSs and computer lab LANs on fire back in 1993 and 1994.
I really enjoyed how they turned the DOOM formula on its head in DOOM 3, but even so they still made you pretttty powerful, with that soul cube and whatnot. Everything felt sorta like DOOM, enough so that I actually felt that overwhelming atmosphere and sense of doom, but not so much like DOOM that it felt like just…
You are absolutely not the only one who liked DOOM 3! But I think the reason you and I like it is because of the single player survival horror, and the fact that it wasn’t just another remake/retread of one of id’s less-than-a-handful of original ideas (which is pretty much every id game after Quake 2, not counting…
Some days I pine for the teamwork necessary to play really well in Tribes 2.
I agree with all this, but for purely singleplayer atmospherics (which is why all my favorite DOOM and DOOM 2 .WADs were all single player campaigns), I think DOOM 3 got a lot of it right. I was thrilled by the survival horror gameplay that they showed in the first trailers, and even though the released copy didn’t…
I seem to remember LAN deathmatches on the DOOM beta in 1994, as well.
Naturally; I’m just saying it’s a pretty big advantage to not have to, and not be able to, overindulge. It takes a lot more self control, going the usual route.
Unless you, too, got yr stomach stapled, EJ shouldn’t be your fitspo. If you can lose it without the extra help, you should be his. (but either way, congrats!)
Do NOT watch this show if you would prefer not to smash and/or burn your electronics. Everybody is awful, everything is awful. I made the mistake of watching an episode once, while I was waiting for The Royals to start. It jumpstarted my GERD so severely.
I’ve seen sportsball afficionados use “large” to mean wide in addition to being tall. And shoulder width has nothing to do with fat tissue. You can be large because fat and muscle, or large because skeletal structure, but if you reduce your body fat and you’re tall and possessed of wide shoulders, you’re never not…
... you wear matadoresque pants with the matadoresque jacket, obvs. Even if you want extra breathing space for yr dangly bits, why in the world would somebody who’s into fashion and style want to model the extra space in the shape of a very full adult diaper? Those pants make me sad.
You have personal experience with this, huh? Cool.
I see, and what are your sources? Stormfront doesn’t count as a source. White guilt isn’t a thing in Sweden, btw. Their jails exist to rehabilitate people. Their system is also an exception. The US does not have “liberal western law systems”, the way you seem to imply.
“no real laws” so only white people make real laws? Or did you think “real laws” only came into being since the 1950s? Or both? This is the height of idiocy.
Sure, buddy.
Odd, I saw it three times already, and am going to see it probably three more times before it’s out of theaters, and I highly enjoyed the movie. While I don’t think it’s perfect or flawless, it’s definitely not a movie I could conceive of hating. Why do you hate it? (also, Batman is a murderer or manslaughterer in…
It was space. They’d cleared the atmosphere, and Secretary Swanwick said that the Superman was taking the fight into space.
I would give so much for an XBL port of Powerstone 2 ;(
are we talking about phrasing, or the fact that you’re telling the next potential employer not to hire them?