satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Sigh I miss Be Your Own Pet. I fell in love with them and with Jemima Pearl’s voice the first time I saw them, at Sirenfest, and still have the albums on rotation. Sighhhhhhh.

... Then you’d have the television show, Gotham.

Damnit, Fahey. Now the back of my head is itchy and I’m wondering about my spider hosting capacity. I can’t stop picturing spiders pouring out of my skull.

some mothers just don’t cut it. Mine should not have had children. Or she should have adopted kids after they reached puberty.

You literally picked one thing out of an entire multiparagraph response. Good job. I’m pretty sure they weren’t talking about the coach part as being unsuccessful.

It happens EVERY TIME. My mother is the most narcissistic parent, literally told me that she kept sending me away because it was too inconvenient to raise me and work because she wanted to climb the promotional ladder... and yet, she’s the BEST aunt and grand-aunt. I don’t want kids, and partially because I don’t want

Congratulations on being a mediocre mother! I’m sure you must have realized, when you signed up to be a parent, that your children are humans, too, and their needs are more important than your desires, because you chose to have them and they couldn’t take care of themselves. Try having a little empathy for your kids,

You know what they say: Time Runs Out!

The same writer who wrote that stupid, stupid line of dialou X-Men line (which was made even worse by the stupid, stupid way that Halle Berry decided to overact it) is the same writer who wrote the stupid, stupid Age of Ultron movie.

I wasn’t super thrilled with the first Avengers, but it was still, at least in regards to the actual Avengers themselves, and to the plot structure, much better than this one. I’m glad Whedon’s not directing or writing more Marvel movies. He said the assembly cut of the movie was about 3 hours 15 minutes, and he

And the way he explains the plot - it does sound like some really lazy writing.

Honestly, an overwhelming amount of this movie was a steaming heap of bullshit. This movie did what the irredeemable Iron Man 2 did, only worse— it was all one giant set-up for more Marvel movies.

Ya damn right! I’m absolutely flabberghasted that any modders think that the paid mods initiative was in any way their right, or that it was pro-mod, rather than pro-sweatshop.

They haven’t been pouring liquid capital into the industry since the 80s. Before the 90s, yes, most *computer* games were for the hardcore. Since— not so much. The hardcore gaming segment drive down the progress of hardware due to economies of scale, but not of software. But why would welcoming the pubs equate to

That you say that RPGs like Dragon Age: Inquisition are engineered to have mass appeal shows that it’s not, in fact, hardcore gamers that are pouring the most money into the gaming industry. It’s casual players, and new players. And in order to bring more people into gaming hardcore players who push people away are

Nerds haven’t become “cool” because of gaming. Gaming is more popular now than it’s ever been— but that doesn’t mean much. The reason nerds are known and mainstream is because 1. tech millionaires, 2. superhero movies, 3. Apple’s tendency to “revolutionize” various devices and the music industry. In that order.

Oh, I dunno about “most people don’t do it”. When you’re serving people in any capacity, 95% of the time you’re interacting with the people who pull this sort of shit. 95% of the time. So either most people do it but don’t realize they’re doing it, or all that time spent around bad people warps a person’s perceptions.

It’s not how it should work, but it’s definitely how it does work.

Probably for the same reason that modders feel like they have the right to modify content created and sold by somebody else, and to sell their modifications?

Mods are not a business. That’s why they deserve a donation button, not a payment. If the modders decide to license an engine and make a game that’s not buggy or broken, then they can sell it. That is how business works.