Ohhh this one! Never played this, definitely got it confused with Castlevania 64, sorry!
Ohhh this one! Never played this, definitely got it confused with Castlevania 64, sorry!
Oh good lord. I’m not going to judge you.
Lovely! Thank you :)
Yeah, this is very strange to me, too. In a lot of ways, Lords of Shadow 2 seemed a billion times more polished than the first. I think the whole “Dracula in modern times” execution didn’t meet the expectations of reviewers, and that’s probably why they shat on it. Also, all of a sudden, they seemed to think this was…
Fuuuuuuuuck. That tells me that he’s definitely been planning for a WHILE. He’s a (heh) fox. (didjagetit? DIDJA?) (pun partially intended)
I just think that people weren’t ready for change, and the whole Lords of Shadow trilogy screamed of “tangent/reboot/side story” to me, instead of “Castlevania remake”. So I took it for what it was, and ran with it, yknow?
Yeahhh Lords of Shadow 2 was definitely not hot garbage.
Whoa. So, who exactly gets to keep the rights? Just Kojima himself? Does the entire team have to leave at once? With a deal like this, I feel like he’s had his departure from Konami planned for a while now.
All I can say is that this reaction from Reddit, and normal consumers in general, wouldn’t and shouldn’t have surprised ANYBODY who actually put any amount of thought into the matter, before blithely deciding, “Yeah okay, let’s just let anybody and everybody charge money for anything they can package together and…
LG generally has amazing interfaces; their design teams deserve all the awards.
Jesus, does nobody clean off their screens? Your screen must be absolutely filthy if somebody can see your swipe pattern.
Which is why you wipe your screen down with a cloth or a clean napkin every once in awhile.
To be fair, your kid could get a glass of water their own damn self. And feed the cats. And relay whatever your spouse has to say to you. Put the kids to work. It builds character!
It’s really too bad that they didn’t go ahead with Armature Studio’s Megaman game.
I’d like to read more about Del Toro’s influence on Castlevania games, because this is the first I’m hearing of such a thing.
Wait a second— if Fox Engine belongs to Kojima Productions, doesn’t it belong to Konami anyway? Isn’t Kojima Productions just a division within Konami, as in, part of Konami? Even if it is Kojima’s production team, how can anything they make, including Fox Engine, not belong to Konami?
What if you’re not calling from Illinois, though?
Ooh, this reminds me that I need to finish watch the last series of Luther.
So what happened, did you play it? Did you download the full game, or was it a broken download?
Eh. There are sooooo many things that get totally buried within the arcane system of recommendations and Steam’s own paltry search ability, that I wouldn’t exactly call it great marketing. Steam’s great advantage is the distribution platform. Marketing is not something that’s included. Valve as a publisher generally…