satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Battlefield Vietnam is still awesome. AWESOME. Just putting that out there.

Whoa hey now, Black Ops II was pretty awesome! (I'm talking about the campaign... does nobody play the campaign?!) :(

I never said, nor did I mean, that his personal experience prior to joining the elite was invalidated. You're putting words in my mouth. My response wasn't about his music, or his rags-to-riches experience (which is completely atypical), so you need to check yourself and respond to the discussion at hand, instead of

The difference is, Stella McCartney doesn't pretend to speak for a section of the working poor, and the designers making Stella McCartney dresses don't capitalize off the cachet of being a rags-to-riches story. Jay-Z refers to himself as being a fighter for civil rights and a fighter for the people, and then turns

Thank you. Truer words, etc.

Ghetto fabulous is a term that's classist as all get-out. It's terrible. If a "white famous person" was behind these clothes, of course it wouldn't be ghetto fabulous— it's just be poseur crap. If it's the result of anybody who's trying to make money off the "mystique" of true blue lower-income Brooklyn, it's alllll

ugh die Kinja

Bravo, would read again.

The Vedas are collated philosophical treatises. Things like gods and whatnot aren't meant to be taken literally, just as the hymns and mantras are aural formulae. The Vedas have many and varied interpretations about the nature of reality itself— if you want to call that fiction or philosophy, it really depends on how

How do we draw the line? We draw the line specifically at the line I laid out in my first post— where there's a recollection of events. Jesus. The Vedas are specifically philosophical instruction manuals on rites, and yes, the Torahs are that, too, but they also contain Genesis etc. Thus, there's an unverifiable recoll

Considering the Vedas aren't a recollection of any events, fictional or not, they'd go straight to the philosophy section. Otherwise— yeah, put the Bible and the Quran and the Torah in the fiction section, why not? Who cares which book it is? Nobody is above reproach and nobody is exempt from critique.

And he makes ice Hulks, sort of like ice golems but better! And he finally grows a beard to get the girls!

Many thanks!

I hope you showed your librarians the comment so they could enjoy the awesomeness!

... except a steady paycheck.

Links plox?

Wait what? Halo Reach used voxel technology? For what?

Yeahhhh you guys are totally wrong because you forgot Falcon 4.0! :P
