satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

It's a sequel to the comic book. Play the game, read the comic, play the DLC. Else, the DLC would be made redundant by the comic and vice versa.

Blacklight totally is one of the best FPS' I've ever played. I usually don't stick around in multiplayer a whole lot, but Blacklight scratched an itch that the otherwise excellent Planetside 2 didn't. Also, the nods to Ghost In the Shell and all the cyberpunk neon and cool looking maps give the world a flair that you

It has the widest smile ever. It wants you to come closer. Scoot closer!

Probably because Jezebel is actively as much full of shit as the shit it likes to expose.

So, if feminism is anti-all of those terrible things, feminism is the same as humanism, so then what's the point of the word "feminist" anyway? Just say "I'm a human" instead of "I'm a feminist."

You were offended? Boo fucking hoo. You are an adult. Move on and act like one. I will never understand this mentality of "If it offends me, no one else is allowed to enjoy it"


What. In the hell. Is this?! Where's this gif from?!

Ehhhh the Immaculate Conception is a relatively new part of the Catholic dogma, though. It's so weird that new "inviolable truths" can latch on to older dogmatic principles at any time some dowdy old person decrees it. Mass (heh) self deception, that is.

There's no irony— he didn't attempt to curtail her ability to call the cops. He didn't call the cops on that dowdy old lady. It's not ironic to perform a completely different action than the one he was criticizing her for.

In the US, it has a lot to do with the WASPy Puritan influence of the majority of early colonists, since they made up the largest of the first wave back in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They fled persecution in England, only to come to the New World so that they could be free to practice their own standards

This is what I'm hoping for! And he has said that he wants to make ZOE 3 sooner rather than later, so maybe possibly this?

I think you and the rest of the television-watching populace may have differing definitions of what qualifies as a "highly watched cable network".

Nooooo they're not.

It's called a ballistic mask. It's not a balaclava— those are made of cloth.

Or maybe instead of the difference between "normal" and "ultra" graphics being so stark, they shouldn't have had shitty textures on normal graphical settings, and shouldn't have needed ultra settings to enable the bullshit graphical bells and whistles that even the Source Engine can enable in less than ultra settings.

That's logical. Boning while your friends are, too— it's like a sexy mix of indirect exhibitionism+voyeurism while you're bangin.

Psychologist Carol Dweck may be a wonder, but so are you. Cumgratulations! No, seriously though, it's inspiring to see other people can make more of themselves.

I don't think you're right— EverQuest and Ultima Online (and hey! Anarchy Online: Shadowlands! Asheron's Call 2! and whoa! Meridian 59! Neverwinter Nights on AOL! Dark Sun Online... on AOL! Aliens Online!) were all the best at one point before WoW, but World of WarCraft didn't simply capitalize on the popularity of

Are there any apps or games that actually use the Kinect for Windows?