This is what they were hinting at, with the claims of "The Cloud! our The Cloud will make all the graphics better even if our hardware doesn't look up to spec just yet!"
This is what they were hinting at, with the claims of "The Cloud! our The Cloud will make all the graphics better even if our hardware doesn't look up to spec just yet!"
Ooh. Balls to that.
What saddened me about that whole thing is that at first I thought Naomi was just stressed and wanted to get laid. You know, as humans do. And maybe Otacon's 50 doctorates turned her on. That's great. More people should be frank about their needs and desires. Then, there was the whole "love" bit. Sigh. Sex isn't love,…
The "fact that people hated Raiden for being a faggot" only shows homophobia, and nothing else. It doesn't show the opposite of misogyny or anything else.
If I could recommend this post more than once, I would.
Ahh that makes more sense. I haven't seen Pearl Harbor or The Island, actually.
Okay, but I'd still really like to know how Modern Warfare 2 was literary. I've never heard anybody say that before, so now you must deliver.
I dunno, in Half-Life, I thought the environments did much more of the heavy lifting of storytelling than the characters (except for the G-Man) did. And because the environments felt real, it made the story, the experience, incredibly immersive (although I may have put the game away for almost a whole year, midway…
You, sir, are correct.
I'll explicitly compare, for you.
Let me interject, here— Riley is present about as often as D0G is. Half-Life 2's D0G is clearly a far, far better character than Riley the CoD DoG is. D0G has a lot of character, and manages to emote despite having only one robotic eye and no voicebox. Riley... aside from a couple of barely noticeable scripted scenes,…
I'm not suddenly wondering if The Orange Box wasn't an homage to Metal Gear Solid 2. WTFFFFFF
It's not a launch title on the Xbox 360 or the PC, and those releases have the same, very disconcerting, animation issues. Frankly, most launch titles are selected because they're not shit, so that they can sell consoles. A lot of them turn out to be forgettable anyway, but there's at least an attempt at selling the…
Oh man, I'm glad and sad that I'm not the only person whose suspension of disbelief gets completely shattered when watching the damned dog. It's animation, and it's a basic thing— in a brand new game, if your cannon fodder AI human characters are going to be mocapped as well as hand-animated, your vastly overhyped dog…
Whenever I've had to sell a friend or family member on Fallout 3, this is the screenshot I use to do it for me.
Honestly, I blame the CoD DoG phenomenon on the journos and bloggers who straight up overhyped the dog because they were desperate for a new angle to hype another Call of Duty game, and thought Riley signified some sort of emotional connection with Call of Duty. The dog was in maybe four or five scenes throughout the…
Sure there is! He's in the [last remaining American] aircraft carrier you're on as you and the carrier battle group travel down the Pacific towards Chile! Yknow, the carrier that sinks as you and your brother "get to da choppa" to go help out in the big battle in the Atacama Desert?
Naw, not even. The entire game stinks of "half finished" to me, because of 2 reasons— first, the campaign is by far the shortest of all CoD campaigns on any platform ever, and second— the game ends on a cliffhanger. That's never done in CoD. Even if the story is the first or second act of a trilogy, there are no…
... what game is that from? Was that a dig at Mass Effect 3 or something else?
He saves you, and does not die. Although, considering the fact that the aircraft carrier where you last see him sinks in the Pacific Ocean, I don't think he's got much of a chance to live, either.