satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Honestly, I blame it on the journos and bloggers who were overhyping the dog. The dog was in maybe four or five scenes throughout the entire four hour long campaign, but the absence was felt mostly because of all the preview articles and blogger hypothesizing about how the dog was going to be a major character in the

Plus one for trolling effort, minus one for bland and charmless trolling.

Believe it or not, things like this happen when honor systems are involved, especially in private colleges/schools.

I still have my original Xbox from 2002, and it runs just fine— the hard drive hasn't failed, the optical drive still reads discs, all that. How prevalent was the failure rate?

If you keep saying these words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean. I don't need to put on hats to remember what words mean, and you should stop applying Team Fortress 2 logic to real life.

As for what Necro said, reread what he said again. He was talking about the PS4 and the Xbox One. If the reason why what he said is laughable is because you highly doubt he saw either system, your theory about the quality of both products are equally as moot. What's the point of getting butthurt about some inference

That was a good read, thanks. I agree with most of the points the author makes, except the last, where he says the world is better off without another Bulletstorm game— and acknowledges that the FarCry games as a series are an antidote to contemporary unimaginative shooter franchises, as is Bulletstorm. Who's to say a

Yeah, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, apparently. He was talking about the PS4, not the PS3, and the Xbox One, not the Xbox 360. Go reread it.

Woof. This is basically why, if I was going to get one next-gen console, I'd get the Xbone first, then the PS4. Hey, at least you have friends who play consoles— most of my friends don't play vidya gaemz! (and most who do are in Australia or Chicago, and I'm in New York)

I really wouldn't mind discussing it. Have you played it or seen a walkthrough of it? The supply train (surprisingly not a monorail; both sets of rails are just overhead like a tram going up a mountain) and a few other missions like the skyscraper infiltration actually looked rather promising, while there's one

Oddly, Cell architecture is present on the Xbox cores as well. Because Cell isn't a proprietary Sony product that they were the sole investors and owners of; it's a very particular and somewhat specialized supercomputer processor architecture that was designed by a consortium, not a Sony product.

Wait wait wait... you own a PS4 and an Xbox One already? Because if not, how in the world are you making any claims about the PS4 versus the Xbox One, which is what Necro was discussing??

Yeah, sorry. I can't return mine to Steam, so I'm settling in for Extinction. Killzone Shadowfall's multiplayer looks really grool. Are you buying a PS4 on day one?

To be fair, server issues and necessary day one patches are untenable for a new game whose main hook is multiplayer. That said, I loved the fact that it didn't move or feel like CoD multiplayer. It really was the best MP I've played in years (aside from mods like Natural Selection), and I always get super bored by CoD

Nope, Ghosts is definitely not the best looking. The color palette is stuck in brown/grey/beige computer case mode, constantly, and the textures are muddy and poorly done even on PC on ultra settings.

It's not just you at all.

That's not ammo for the game at all. I reviewed the game, and here's a copy/pasta: "Ghosts is the one Michael Bay movie that everybody fell asleep while watching."

Exactly what I was thinking. They all fell asleep, and in their dreams they were making a shorter, crappier version of MW2.

I sincerely think you need to get your eyes checked. The trailers for Ghosts look a hell of a lot better than the game does, even while playing the campaign on the highest settings on a PC. Sure. But Modern Warfare 2 on highest settings on PC generally still looks better than Ghosts on highest settings on PC. The
