Well, the sad bit is when they have to coin phrases like "we have dual render technology so you can see around the outside of the sniper scope" and "fish AI" and hope that people who hear that can take them seriously.
Well, the sad bit is when they have to coin phrases like "we have dual render technology so you can see around the outside of the sniper scope" and "fish AI" and hope that people who hear that can take them seriously.
While I love the Hamlet line and the aspirations to better writing in FFXV, Nomura's desire to turn the game into a musical after seeing Les Miserables, which was released less than a year ago, after his game was already in development for over six years— make me worry that the game will be like FFXIII (oh so pretty,…
FFXII HD would be Square's gift to people who love RPGs in general, not just people who love JRPGs or Final Fantasy. I know I should be saying Squeenix, but I still think of Squaresoft when I think of the people who make Final Fantasy.
lolwhut SERIOUSLY? Please tell me or link me to the literary references in Modern Warfare 2; I couldn't say Ghosts actually references anything except setpieces from the Modern Warfare story arc that were done a million times better in their respective games. I honestly don't see any literary references in the game;…
I think you're right. Every time I hear somebody claiming to have played "all cod games" I either say "yeah, things sure have changed since 2003, huh?" or "what do the fish play?" and nobody gets either one.
Why? This has nothing to do with Battlefield so why would we care?
If it's a three-act story— Black Ops II was the third act. World at War was the first.
Now I can't unsee it :|
Aw, I remember Gunman Chronicles. Great as a mod, but super boring when sold as a full game. They tried to do some interesting things, though. I think the problem with both Gunman Chronicles and Command and Conquer: Renegade was mostly due to poor scripting. Like, things that should have never gotten past QA made it…
I'm not saying that those elements you mentioned aren't present in every single campaign in the series, but perhaps the point of the campaign is more about the feeling that it inspires in the player. I mean, if you want to generalize like that about the campaign, you could say the same about the multiplayer— all…
Beating Ghosts on veteran isn't much of an accomplishment, really. The scripts don't force you to push forward, which means that you can hide behind a crate and contextually lean-and-snipe yourself to victory instead of having to actually move and use cover and shoot well.
I was playing Ghosts and the entire time, I was thinking to myself "would any one of these levels be as awesome as All Ghillied Up was, creeping around in Chernobyl? nah." There was one level that might have half-assedly tried to, but sadly a lot of the campaign commits the cardinal sin of Call of Duty— being boring.
The campaign was the sole reason that CoD was actually awesome back in 2003. The kill-cam in multiplayer back then was cool, but for the most part the MP was bog standard until Modern Warfare came out in 2007.
Every game has artistic -aspirations-, even if they are annualized military shooters. Tell a game developer whose game involves screenwriting, voice acting, motion capture, level design, artists, sound engineers and producers, foley artists and all types of creative endeavors, that their game isn't at all artistic—…
I'm using Windows 7, so that could be a problem. Also having that issue with mouse input :/
The quality of textures in Ghosts is totally inconsistent on PC, and in my experience, MW2 is a little better looking. (I'm running on the highest settings)
PC gamer here: I have Ghosts and MW2 on PC. MW2 looks a LOT better than Ghosts on PC, no doubt about it.
That's because MW2 does look better than Ghosts does, even on PC.
I saw some of the videos where Rubin's asked if he'll build off of what Treyarch did to move the series forward, and he states that the Infinity Ward team consciously stuck to what they did in Modern Warfare games. That made me so hopping mad, because none of the design principles they consciously stuck to were ever…
So are you playing mostly MP or have you played the campaign at all? The multiplayer is great, but Infinity Ward didn't work on that, Raven Software did (again). Raven's always great at whatever they do.