satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

They shouldn't need to call it quits, necessarily, but the campaign game literally feels like it's unfinished and hasn't been through QA and bug testing. Activision took this game out of the oven too early. The developers were all asleep at the wheel. insert analogy here. The point is, the game needed another six

It absolutely is. Black Ops II was two steps forward for the franchise, Ghosts is less sophisticated than Modern Warfare II and feels like it's only half done. Not just broken, but like it hasn't even passed QA. (multiplayer's fine, whatever, but I'm talking about the single player campaign)

How did CoD fanboys ruin Homefront? Homefront's multiplayer was, and still is, some of the best I've ever played.

I loved BulletStorm— for Rick Remender's writing as much as the game's creativity and monumental sense of scale and willingness to go over the top in order to let the player have fun.

I noticed that, too. I'm not saying that IW didn't lift entire systems from previous games and drop them right into this one. I noticed that in the game, too. It's blatant. The animation system from the last IW game is being reused here, and all that bullshitry about IW Engine 6.0 being "a whole new engine" with "fish

It seriously occurred to me, most of the way through (after vegas and the tanks) — "perhaps the actors— the professional actors who've been in movies and television, every single one of them— perhaps they all sound like they're emoting about as much as you would when you mumble in your sleep because the voice director

Yeah, on current gen— this game looks upsettingly bad for an IW Engine/Quake 3 engine game. I mean, as far as I remember, both Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops II looked better (although Black Ops II looked a lot better). I guess it's partially because the color palette just looks so washed out, but there's also the

If you're going to get it for the multiplayer— you'll have a ball. Extinction's fun as long as you don't hate having to fight dogs and birds in FPS games. (for some reason, dogs as opponents in FPS games are just the worst/most annoying pains in the asses to me, and a lot of the lower-level aliens in Extinction are

Honestly, whether or not you think the actual stories themselves were that great, the way that they were all presented used to be stellar. The pacing, the soundtrack, the voice acting, the scripts, all of it did a lot to raise the stories from some humdrum Middle East/World War II/terrorist/spy story dreck into what

This all boils down to: Are you playing on PC or not? If not, why are you even wondering about quality? Of course it's going to be shit in comparison.

CoD is many things to many people. It may be "a multiplayer game in essence" for you, but for me it's a single player game with a number of well-established multiplayer modes tacked on. That's probably why it has so many expansive game modes in every release.

I primarily play CoD for the single player, and have done so since the first one, so I know what you mean (although I did skip out on 3 and World at War because I'm so done with WW II shooters and stopped MW 3 halfway because... well, just because. It seemed to me that the story was done in MW 2).

I'm tired of game "critics" who don't provide... subjective opinion...

When Call of Duty first came out, it was revolutionary because of the single player. There are many, many people who may play multiplayer, but got into the games because of the single player. Saying single player is just a minigame is about the same as saying multiplayer is just a minigame; obviously neither are, or

I enjoy Call of Duty single player, that's the main reason why I bought the games. I rarely, if ever, play multiplayer CoD. Sometimes I do, but listening to a barrage of awful people-who-aren't-my-friends saying awful things while attempting to play, isn't really my thing. That being said—

Wrong. If you want an idea of how well this game was made, play this game. You made such a terribly specious argument, it sounds like something a poseur who had only heard of the games and never actually played them would say.

Oh yeah, definitely.

I regret using the term "legitimate complaints" since everybody's opinion of a game is their own and their complaints are legit to them, but I find the microtransaction complaints really don't say much about the game itself.

for everyone harping on CoD and Assassin's Creed there are still the fans who buy them every year cos it gives them exactly what they want

Wtf, why isn't this news?! This is the actual news here. Where did you get those deetz, and/or can you supply some more? I was wondering why they didn't simply recycle the assets back into the single player Command & Conquer: Generals 2 if the F2P multiplayer-only route wasn't working for them; the "corporate